TYPO3 CMS is here to stay. Long Term Support version released
On Tuesday, March 25 TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS was <link news article typo3-presents-the-latest-version-of-its-free-content-management-system-typo3-cms-62-lts-is-now-av>released accompanied by <link http: wiki.typo3.org release_party typo3_6.2>27 release parties in and outside of Europe. The social media were buzzing all day about the release and the days after were filled with kudos and an <link news article thank-you-for-the-release-of-typo-cms-62>official thank you to release manager Ernesto Baschny and the team that made this Long Term Support Release possible.
Along with this release <link http: typo3.org download release-notes whats-new>TYPO3 CMS - What's New Slides were published in 8 different languages. The slides summarise new features, significant improvements, important changes and key facts of new TYPO3 releases in a comprehensive but compact format. <link http: typo3blogger.de>Typo3blogger Peter Kraume reports in his <link http: typo3blogger.de>thank you article that 6500 patches were merged into the TYPO3 core by more than 340 contributors! Together they inserted 2,4 million lines of code and deleted 2,0 million lines. The article also features the top 20 of committers preceded by the number of commits:
- (705) Christian Kuhn
- (351) Wouter Wolters
- (311) Helmut Hummel
- (281) Oliver Hader
- (234) Xavier Perseguers
- (220) Stefan Neufeind
- (202) Felix Kopp
- (196) Georg Ringer
- (182) Markus Klein
- (152) Stanislas Rolland
- (149) Steffen Ritter
- (136) Philipp Gampe
- (131) Nicole Cordes
- (120) Anja Leichsenring
- (118) Jigal van Hemert
- (111) Benjamin Mack
- (110) Alexander Schnitzler
- (107) Steffen Gebert
- (95) Roland Waldner
- (90) Marc Bastian Heinrichs
Inspiring Conference (March 28-29, Kolbermoor, Germany)
It was the third time the conference was held and received a more generic name with <link http: www.inspiring-conference.com>Inspiring Conference. Inspiring Conference is organised by <link http: techdivision.de>Techdivision. By it's one-track nature it is a very focused conference and esides the many technical talks a good number of talks also focused on the human side of our business.
Picture by Techdivision In my opening talk I pointed out that as a community we have great technical skills, but people skills or the soft skills need attention as well on order to maintain a healthy community. <link http: alistapart.com article people-skills-for-web-workers>People skills are just as difficult to learn as programming languages, but once you master them you will be able to find a common ground for people who think differently, you will be able to lead difficult conversations and feel confident about your contributions without criticizing others. The 'human' side was also a large part of the presentation "The Driven Developer" by PHP guru Sebastian Bergmann. There are a number of wrap-ups that perfectly describe the two Inspiring days:
- Laszlo Bodor: <link http: www.lacisoft.com blog a-truly-inspiring-conference>www.lacisoft.com/blog/2014/03/31/a-truly-inspiring-conference/
- Peter Kraume: <link http: typo3blogger.de review-on-the-inspiring-conference-2014>typo3blogger.de/review-on-the-inspiring-conference-2014/
- Jochen Weiland (german only) - <link http: jweiland.net aktuell artikel inspiring-conference-2014.html>jweiland.net/aktuell/artikel/inspiring-conference-2014.html

Robert Lemke - Picture by Techdivision All Inspiring Conference slides can be found on: <link https: gist.github.com kj187>gist.github.com/kj187/9857991 (courtesy Julian Kleinhans)
TYPO3camp Venlo (April 11-13, Venlo, The Netherlands)
After <link http: typo3.org news article typo3camp-venlo>last years success <link http: www.typo3campvenlo.nl>TYPO3Camp Venlo will be held again from April 11-13. This years weekend will be packed with interesting talks and international visitors with various backgrounds in the TYPO3 world.