In This Week in TYPO3 we wrap up the month of February with loads of dynamics in the TYPO3 community as well as in the TYPO3 Association. There is another step towards TYPO3 7 LTS with the household release of TYPO3 7.1, the first beta of Flow 3.0.0 has been released and the first beta of Neos 2.0 is in the works. The T3A shows an enormous amount of output with activity from the educational team, preparations for the GA and announcing a new event, 'The Dialogue Days'. The date for the European TYPO3 Conference is announced accompanied with a pretty cool website.
Week ending March 1
Simplifying TYPO3
Rasmus Skjoldan steps down as brand manager for the TYPO3 project to concentrate fully on Neos. He leaves with <link http: post simplifying-typo3>greatly simplifying the content describing the TYPO3 brand. TYPO3 = TYPO3, Neos = Neos and Flow = Flow. Brand management will be taken over by the <link teams design>design team lead by Fabian Stein.

The TYPO3 General Assembly in Essen on April 14 will especially important concerning the future of the TYPO3 project and the brand. Members of the TYPO3 Association are <link news article title-why-you-really-must-attend-the-ga-this-year-like-really>encouraged to attend the GA this year to vote on proposals.
Product Owner of TYPO3
The development of TYPO3 CMS, ending up in a Long Term Support release in autumn of this year, has really taken of. There have been two releases with substantial changes of which most notably is the interface change of course. Alain Veuve, leader of the marketing team, writes about how Mathias Schreiber has taken on the task, for a 24 month period, as product owner to drive further development.
"Maybe you didn’t realize that Mathias Schreiber from WMDB started working fulltime as product owner of TYPO3 CMS on October 1, 2014. As he told me last week in Frankfurt, this is not temporary and is meant to be at least a 24-month commitment."
<link news article mathias-schreiber-from-wmdb-is-driving-typo3-cms-as-fulltime-product-owner>Mathias Schreiber from WMDB is driving TYPO3 CMS as full time product owner.
TYPO3 CMS 7.1 Released - Home Improvement
At the end of February the second stage building the next Long Term Support version, <link http: news article typo3-cms-71-released-home-improvement>TYPO3 CMS 7.1, was released.

For years the CMS team released on a 6 month release schedule like we know from projects like Ubuntu. Starting with CMS 7 the team switched to a more agile approach, <link typo3-cms roadmap>releasing more often. Benni Mack has this to say on the agile approach:
"The new agile release cycle and the naming scheme for CMS7 opened up a whole world of participation and perspective for the product. Over 100 contributors for the new version focus on a certain area of the product per release, making sure that this gains highest attention and thorough testing."
This release saw improvements towards a fully responsive backend, a new API for using Content Objects was introduced and of course the usual clean up and speed improvements were added to this release.
Neos and Flow
Neos and Flow go hand in hand as Neos is based on the Flow framework. Neos is going towards version 2 and Flow to version 3. Both are in "Feature Freeze" phase. That doesn't mean that there is no chance for new features or behavioral changes to make it in until the final release. But it does mean the team is concentrating stabilization and documentation as of now.
Robert Lemke, release manager of Neos, reports:
"The team has been pretty busy preparing Flow 3.0 beta 1 and Neos 2.0 beta 1. What was previously called "1.3" will in fact become Neos 2.0 because it is based on Flow 3.0 which is, technically speaking, a major upgrade. Anyway, we are now in the stabilisation phase and since we have a lot of changes under the hood (new security framework, many changes to Neos core features), we also have to fight against a few bugs. Since we practically don't have a budget for this (we have 8.800 € for release management and reviews for the whole year), we are struggling to get enough time for handling these two major releases. Also considering that the whole team will be busy with the Neos sprint and <link https:>Inspiring Conference end of March.
If there is any company out there who wishes that Neos 2.0 gets released sooner than later and would like to help us fixing bugs and writing documentation, please get in touch with the team (can be me or someone else). We currently simply need financial support for this."
You can help the process by <link https: issues>testing and reporting bugs
Codesprint Neos Kolbermoor
Some 20 people have already registered for the upcoming Neos Code Sprint in Kolbermoor organised by Markus Goldbeck. The sprint will be right before <link https:>Inspiring Conference from Sunday, March 22 - Thursday, March 26 and will take place at the Academy for Professionals (AFP)
<link http: neos_code_sprint_march_2015>
At the end of February the team released t<link http: index.php t>he first beta of TYPO3 Flow 3.0.0!
This version comes with numerous fixes and improvements.
Parts of the documentation still need to be adjusted and the team is working on a better readable summary of major features and changes still. But please don't hesitate to test this first beta and report back if you have any issues with it so that we can finalize the stable release as soon as possible!
The <link http: flow typo3flowdocumentation latest thedefinitiveguide partv changelogs>full change log can be found on
If you think a crucial issue is missing, feel free to mention it in the comments (or drop Bastian a mail at bastianATtypo3DOTorg
TYPO3 Association
The TYPO3 Association has reached an ultimate peak of activity. Naike and Stefan write about all activity in <link news diary-of-the-typo3-association>Diary of the TYPO3 Association. In <link news article february-diary-of-the-typo3-association>February's diary of the TYPO3 Association they write about several workshops the T3A had and the announcement of the General Assembly and the Dialogue Days.

There is a separate <link https: typo3assoc>T3A Twitter account you can follow to be fully informed of what is going on in the TYPO3 Association.
The General Assembly is an event you need to go to as TYPO3 Association member. The TYPO3 Association wants to change the way it’s supporting the TYPO3 Community for the coming years. You can vote on the proposals at the General Assembly. All of them can have a crucial impact on what the TYPO3 Association could look like in the future.
Olivier Dobberkau and Alain Veuve write why <link news article title-why-you-really-must-attend-the-ga-this-year-like-really>you really must attend the GA this year. Like, "really"!
Several activities are going from the committees.
A <link news article typo3-launching-the-mentorship-programme>mentorship program is launched that will help newcomers on their way. <link community mentorship>When you´re new in TYPO3 - The mentors will help you!
The TYPO3 Education Committee is proud to present the first and official “<link news article typo3-alumni-certifuncation-day>TYPO3 Alumni #CertiFUNcation Day” which will take place on June, 2015.
This will be your ultimate chance to refresh your knowledge of TYPO3, get the latest information and rumours direct from the heart of the Community, meet and exchange experiences with like-minded people and find new business opportunities.
Peter Pröll reports on the past <link news article education-adventures-2015-a-report-from-the-education-sprint>education sprint. The team tackled strategic planning for 2015 followed by task force sprints. Peter writes about certification also for agencies, prolonging your integrator certification and about the earlier mentioned mentorship program.
Upcoming Events
eCommerceCamp (Jena, March 12 - 14)
From Thursday 12th till Saturday 14th of March the eCommerceCamp will take place in Jena. The barcamp for developers and integrators of webshop software such as Magento, OXID, Shopware and PrestaShop provides a platform for the informal exchange of know-how and experience.

Robert Lemke, founder of the TYPO3 Neos project, will be there and give an interesting talk with Jens Schulze from Commercetools about “Content commerce with SPHERE.IO and TYPO3 Neos”. In their session they will show a demo implementation which allows to integrate product information from the shop software SPHERE.IO in TYPO3 Neos. Using this strategy, it is possible to combine catalog data with editorial content without having to “force” a marriage between the CMS and the shop software. Besides this great talk there are many more great sessions around topics in the e-commerce sector.
11th European TYPO3 Conference, T3CON15 (Amsterdam, October 21 - 22)
T3CON15 is happening again with an interesting mix of topics in sessions and workshops, directed towards developers and TYPO3 users as well as decision makers and marketing managers.
Experience, discuss, learn and have a good time with the unique TYPO3 community in the heart of one of the nicest and exciting cities of Europe!

Robert Zierhofer and his team at <link http:>Onedrop created the fancy website for the conference.
I asked Robert about this remarkable design. Robert says:
"We wanted to create something fresh and new. A page that attracts all various types of users (manager, developer, designer, editor, etc.) and provides a straightforward feel for the location – Amsterdam.
The website is based on TYPO3 CMS 6.2 – was built with mobile devices in mind… very lightweight, very fast with useful features for during the conference (like filters in time tables) and small gadgets like a day/night mode."

Some interesting features of <link http:>
- Custom built vector illustrations (100% stock free)
- Fluid TYPO3 6.2
- SVG animation with <animate> tag
- As little JS as possible
- Tabbed navigation via radio button labels
- Mobile-menu toggle with checkbox
- Floating labels within forms
- HTML5 frontend validation
- Fullscreen mobile menu
- Ribbons with *pseudo elements
- CSS tooltips with buttons
The design was realised by the following people at <link http:>Onedrop
- Katharina Konopik – Screendesign
- Florian Schlittenbauer – Frontend Development
- Peter Humps – Backend Development, TYPO3 Integration
- Robert Zierhofer – Conception, Lead
Thanks people!!
Sponsoring the development of the TYPO3 extension news
Georg Ringer needs you for further developing and <link http: sponsoring-ext-news.html>sponsoring the development of the TYPO3 extension news.
Georg's <link http: extensions repository view news>news extension has become a viable alternative for tt_news that so many people have used since the very beginning. It is versatile news extension, based on extbase & fluid. Editor friendly, default integration of social sharing and many other features
Google Summer of Code
This year we were not so lucky to be accepted for Google Summer of Code 2015. With so many applications the chance to be among the lucky ones is small. Of course we will fully go for acceptance again next year.
Christian Müller who leads the GSoC project asks people interested in helping to make our participation in GSoC 2016 come true to contact him. we will be better prepared if we start as early as possible.
This Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by <link https:>MaxServ. You can also sponsor 'This Week in TYPO3' and have your company mentioned here. Please <link>contact me by mail for more details.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.