The TYPO3 steam engine is heated up and full speed ahead after the Developer Days. We have more news than fits in one This Week. An exciting new TYPO3 release on the horizon. Hot TYPO3 Developer Days and the Snowboard Tour comes to Cold Canada. Sublime for TYPO3!
Week ending July 26, 2015
TYPO3 Developer Days 2015 (Nuremberg, July 16 - 19)
For this episode of This Week we dive head first into the tropical Developer Days that were held in Nuremberg this year. With temperatures rising to around 35 degrees Celsius these were the warmest developer days ever and this might have contributed to the sense that this was also the best T3DD ever. To top all that of it was also the tenth anniversary of the event, which was celebrated abundantly with cake.
The TYPO3 Development Team met in Nuremberg prior to the Developer Days. Some major topics were discussed: The finalization of features needed in time for v7, as well as an outlook to how TYPO3 v8 could look like. Some bigger refactorings were finished for the upcoming version 7.4. Additionally, some more global discussions about motivation, contribution, coding standards, were taken. The days were are great mixture between efficient coding and constructive discussions. A full report will be released in the next few days.
The parallel Neos code sprint that was taking place at the same time was aimed at identifying and fixing remaining blockers for a Neos 2.0 release. Additionally efforts went into documentation, general project infrastructure and future plans. Among the 19 participants for the sprint where several first time attendees helping out in all areas.
Of course the Neos TYPO3 CMS split was on the minds of many. Christian Müller and Mathias Schreiber sat down with Sebastian Michaelsen for <link http: t3b016-neos-splitting-from-typo3>a T3BITS podcast where they discussed the topic.
People that were new to the Developer Days were well taken care of and got a special introduction to the event. New this year was the lightning introduction format introduced by MC Oliver Hader.. The blocks of talks were introduced by lightning talks, so people could get a good impression of what the talks were about. With four parallel sessions, the schedule had plenty exciting topics around TYPO3 and Neos.
It is of course to no surprise that of the 271 attendees the biggest number came from Germany. It was great to see some attendants from outside the TYPO3 community like <link http:>CK Editor’s Frederico Caldeira Knabben. Fred talked at length to both the teams about CK editor. Terrence Ryan from Google talked about PHP at Google SCALE. Terry gave an overview of all of the ways that PHP developers can interact with the <link https:>Google Cloud Platform.
No T3DD event is complete without a social event, this time in Franconian (very Bavarian) style accompanied by local lederhosen band VA Blech. For the Saturday evening a Franconian grill was set up with local beers and wine. Later, DJ die Burg took over rocking on until the early morning.
The overall feel of T3DD15 was that it was very productive. The changes to the format contributed to that together with the fact that almost everybody was staying at the same youth hostel location, where the event itself also took place.
An event like this can only be successful with the contribution of all the great volunteers of the organisation and the helping hands.
Andreas Steiger did a great video imrpression of T3DD15: <link https:>Recap Film of the TYPO3 Developer Days 2015 in Nuremberg / Germany
The <link https: typo3themes>THEMES team is in the middle of the official THEMES Workshop Tour, that will bring weekends packed with THEMES knowledge and training to cities in Germany and around Europe - the first event just took place from Friday evening July 31st to Sunday afternoon August 2nd 2015 in the "Commundo Tagungshotel" Darmstadt, Germany.
The workshops are bilingual (English/German) accompanied by <link http: index.php kaystrobach.themesmarket book index>the official book, accommodation, soft drinks and food. A whole weekend costs € 799,- (w VAT) and that includes all aforementioned things. The maximum number of participants will be 10. Hurry up to book your workshop!
If you want to register or know more details, contact
<link https: petracyber>@petracyber or shoot her a mail at
Sublime for TYPO3
A method to simplify your TYPO3 development workflows
TYPO3 development within Sublime Text is versatile and well-suited for TYPO3 development out of the box and can vastly simplify your workflows with a few additional packages and settings.
<link https: blog sublime-for-typo3>
Sublime for TYPO3 includes some recommended packages. The article on <link http:> instructs how to set these packages up and properly configure them as well as some general settings which have proven useful and finally a few tweaks to set up the development environment.
After these actions your development environment in Sublime Text can handle TypoScript files with syntax highlighting, PHP development including full namespaces support and proper PHPdoc comments. There also is a working setup to perform proper debugging in PHP with Xdebug directly within Sublime Text. Errors in your PHP code will be shown as you type which reduces the amount of checks in your browser. You'll also make use of Sublime's snippet magic and symbol index to reduce amount of typing e.g. when creating Extbase domain models.
As additional bonus you will also have everything in place if you want to start contributing to TYPO3.
Check out: <link https: blog sublime-for-typo3>14 tips to make Sublime the best IDE for TYPO3
T3rookies summercamp (Cluj, June 15 - 128)
The junior developers
Anton Kösling (19),
Jana Kienast (21),
Altan Tosun (25) and
Nicolas Ries (22) spent a week together with TYPO3 professionals from Arxia at the summer camp in Cluj to <link http: news article t3rookies-bauen-website-fuer-rumaenisches-waisenhaus>develop a website for the orphanage. The <link http: home>website is now online in English, Romanian, Hungarian and German.
<link http: home>
The Canadian TYPO3 Snowboard Tour (Whistler, February 20 - 29)
The Snowboard Tour ventures out of the Alps region and into Canada. To bring the 15th Snowboard Tour to Canada was a dream for several years.
Adrian and Steffan, the organizers of T3BOARD16CA, have proposed a deal: an incredible picturesque house in Whistler (near Vancouver) with all you can imagine; hot pot, fireplace, billiard, perfect surroundings and and and...
A slot has been reserved from February 20 until February 29. There are 24 beds making it a small yet cozy event.
What is in store for TYPO3 7.4?
Georg Ringer, TYPO3 developer and open-source enthusiast, writes on his blog about the <link http: features-of-7-4.html>Features of TYPO3 CMS 7.4.
Georg mentions right away that usability is a focus area for this upcoming version. Some neat stuff goes into content elements like allowing real copies of content elements into foreign languages and now it is finally possible to lock content elements. That last one is something we have been waiting for.
One of the most awesome features is an overlay showing dialog for existing files on upload.
The coming version also allows for a personal avatar, like we know from so many web applications.
Georg lists some technical stuff and concludes that … a lot more is to come for version 7.4 <link http: typo3-cms roadmap>slated for August 4.
This Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by <link https:>Maxserv. Of course you can also sponsor This Week in TYPO3 and have your name mentioned here as well. Please <link>contact me by mail for more details.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.