At this time the following features have been implemented:
- A WSDL file specifies the first two methods accessible via SOAP: "ping" and "uploadExtension"
- Uploaded extensions through the old EM are passed through the tx_extrep to tx_ter and stored correctly as compressed .t3x files in the directory tree structure
- Meta information is extracted and stored into two database tables while uploading extensions
- The extensions.xml structure has been defined and the index is updated automatically when uploading extensions
- All important features come with unit tests based on T3Unit / PHPUnit2
- Implement extension downloads with the old EM
- Refactor extrep_mgm (the frontend on to use the new TER 2 functions
- Plan and implement the new Extension Manager
- much more ...
- How do we have to refactor the EM so it can be updated later on without touching the TYPO3 core?
- How can administrators be informed if they should update the EM?
- Support for the new dependency features has to be implemented
- The new EM must use a PHP4 compatible SOAP client implementation to access the TER 2
- How should a future-proof .T3X file format look like?