Combined Sprints
In 2019 we introduced the new format of “combined sprints”. In our meeting, we made a planning for sprints:
- Team Leader Meeting (Leipzig)
- Sprint 1: Stuttgart - 19.5 - 22.5.2019 (lead by t3o-team)
- Sprint 2: Freiburg - 12.8 - 14.8.2019 - (lead by marketing team) - up to 20 persons
- Sprint 3: 22.09. -25.09.2019 - Hof (lead by t3o-team) - up to 20 persons
- Sprint 4: Düsseldorf October 2019 - up to 15 Persons
- Sprint 5: 03.11. - 6.11.2019 - Essen (lead by t3o-team) - up to15 persons
Sub Brand Concept
Our design team works at a concept for sub brands. We had discussion, what kind of Logo definitions we need. We want to introduce a common logo / brand concept for our different events / sites. The current draft was presented and the team will continue its work.
Policy for team leader / teams / committees
The TYPO3 Association and the team leaders want to introduce a policy for teams and its leards. What are the goals of our policy:
- Clear definition of responsibilities
- Clear processes, how empower / depower a team / committee
- Clear rights and duties
- Clear lines of communication
- A transparent organisation
- Commitment to contribution
We will present the current state in an own news.
Communication concept
The project maintains different communication channels and with different tools. We started a process, where we want to identify, what are the needs for the channels.
Just to mention one aspect: We introduced Slack very successful some years ago. Our community likes to use this tool and this replaces more or less mailing list functionality. The downside is, that we are loosing visibility of support questions in the public web.
As a result, we are checking all our communication channels and try to find channels and tools for the future.
Core Team Update
Benni Mack gave an update on the result of the new structure:
- New Team Structure launched, about 20 applications arrived
- Fluid Standalone => "Fluid Templating Engine" and a 3.0 release is planned in this year, also we'll publish a roadmap for Fluid Engine. Claus Due will be the main contact person.
- Initiatives have their own roadmap, as it's not in power of the Core Team to promise finalization
- News for Core Roadmap was published
- 10.0 is planned for late July, 10 LTS is planned for April 8th, 2020
Team Leader meeting in Leipzig
In the beforehand of our General Assembly, the team leaders met at monday night for a special event. We invited two actors for “Unternehmen Bühne”. Here we were given playful exercises to improve our communication behaviour.
At Tuesday Morning we made a workshop, to identify priorities for combined team approaches.
We collected a list of items, which are problems in the collaboration between the Teams and Community in General. These were the most important ones:
- Unclear Contact Persons (10 votes): It is necessary, to provide transparency for who is responsible for what and how to contact that person
- Unclear Contact Channels (10 votes): Which is the right channel to contact a team / person
- Regular public communication (7 votes)
- Handover process between “inter-team tasks” (who place the order) (8 votes)
The next step is, to create action points and solve each issue.
In General our team communication is improving, month by month. We do have regular team leader meetings for more than a year now.