At this year’s event, a series of issues will be discussed that the participants already worked on intensively last year. Nevertheless, the focus will be more on the front-end of TYPO3 CMS. Besides the front-end output, flexible content elements and distributions are also among the most important topics. These are preassembled packets with extensions, themes, and contents for specific target audiences. Furthermore, the CMS backend Lingo and a guided backend tour are on the agenda.
Active Exchange of Experience
“Due to the active exchange of experience between programmers, designers, and users, last year's event was held in a special spirit,” explains Petra Hasenau, CEO of Cybercraft Media Manufactory and the organizer of T3UXW15. “Of course, we hope this spirit will grace the event again in 2015. The women who attend are also very important to us because they look at CMS's user-friendliness from a different angle and contribute to the event's continuing success with their ideas,” she adds.While the 2014 User Experience Week took place in September, we deliberately decided to bring this year's event forward to March. This will give participants the opportunity to meet again at subsequent events like the TYPO3 Developer Days and to continue working on these topics. This year, there will be a Core Sprint in parallel to the User Experience Week at Festenburg to implement the participants’ suggestions and ideas as quickly as possible.
You’ll find more information on <link http: _blank>the event´s website.Sponsoring of TYPO3
As an open source provider, TYPO3 depends on donations in order to allow as many interested people as possible to participate in the event. Learn more about how to support TYPO3 projects <link http: donate>here.