With the aim of saying thank you to them, as well as to hear what they would thank the TYPO3 Association for, we asked our Platinum Members to tell us about their experience as crucial supporting part of the TYPO3 Association (T3A).
The Platinum Members, as you probably know, are:
- <link http: www.pluswerk.ag _blank to ag>+Pluswerk AG
- <link https: www.aoe.com en _blank to aoe>AOE GmbH
- <link https: www.dkd.de _blank to dkd internet service>dkd Internet Service GmbH
- <link http: www.fti.de _blank to fti>FTI Touristik GmbH
- <link https: www.in2code.de _blank to in2code>in2code GmbH
- <link https: jweiland.net _blank to>jweiland.net
- <link https: www.marketing-factory.de _blank to marketing factory consulting>Marketing Factory Consulting GmbH
- <link https: www.mittwald.de _blank to mittwald>Mittwald CM Service GmbH
- <link http: www.q3i.de _blank to q3i>Q3I
- Serenata Flowers
- <link https: sitegeist.de _blank to sitegeist>sitegeist media solutions GmbH
- <link http: www2.topdanmark.dk _blank to topdanmark>Topdanmark A/S
The giving and taking balance
Our members told us that they are excited about the idea of open source and that they believe in its concept, this being the underlying reason for supporting the TYPO3 Community in such a committed way.
Other key reasons for supporting the TYPO3 Association are shared and common to them: they believe that the T3A is the administrative backbone of the TYPO3 Community and that supporting this body is a great way to help the TYPO3 ecosystem to further develop. Somehow, supporting the Association translates into supporting the product, its success, and its quality.
"It's not the platinum sign on the typo3.org Website which helps us much, but it is the fact that we are very close to the project." - +Pluswerk
Sponsoring TYPO3 events, camps, and code sprints, instead, is done with the purpose of building and strengthening the community itself, allowing building unique personal relationships among TYPO3 users. And apart from the product, this is exactly what TYPO3 is about: friendship, sharing know-how and values, and professionalism. So, it is not just down to supporting our Content Management System, but also to supporting a great community, which has been sharing creativity, loyalty, power, and fun already for years.
"One benefit is of course to get free tickets for official TYPO3 events. We send our developers to these conferences and get direct feedback from the community and the Association itself." - FTI Touristik
Besides the benefits strictly related to the product and community development, the members get something back from the market as well. A high volume of prospective customers looking for TYPO3 service providers, value the affiliation to the Association and use this as one of the parameters for selecting their preferred TYPO3 agency. Through the involvement with the community and support to the TYPO3 Association, some of our members became really well known within the TYPO3 ecosystem, which has resulted in numerous trustworthy relationships with their customers.
"Being a member of the TYPO3 Association is perceived as a seal of quality." - Marketing Factory Consulting
A look into the future
When looking into the future of the TYPO3 Association, some improvements are expected and wished for, to which most of our platinum members agree to. First of all, the number of web agencies supporting the project should grow. They talk about "giving something back". Second, the TYPO3 Association should continue on the process of reinventing itself, becoming a strong organization, with a comprehensive view on the market.
#T3THX - Saying thank YOU
It has been great collecting the answers and pictures from our Platinum Members. Some of the pictures strongly represent the passion for TYPO3 and the wish to bring things further. For this, a big
THANK YOU. If you also have someone or something within the TYPO3 world to be thankful to or for, the hashtag
#T3THX has been created for that.
Become a member now!
If you are not a TYPO3 Association member yet and would like to become one, please get in touch with me (naike.schulthess(at)typo3.org) or visit our <link https: typo3-association.myshopify.com collections memberships _blank to typo3 association>online shop to purchase your membership now. If you wish to upgrade your affiliation level instead, be in contact with the back office, they are always happy to help you.
Follow <link https: twitter.com typo3assoc _blank to typo3 association>@TYPO3Assoc on Twitter and the hashtag
#T3THX to see who the thanks go to!