T3CON11: Call for Papers extended

Categories: Association Created by Søren Schaffstein

The Call for Papers for this years TYPO3 Conference in Hanau, Germany (near Frankfurt am Main) has been extended by one week until 2011-08-07. If you missed the earlier deadline this is now your chance to submit your idea for a TYPO3 related talk at the worlds most important TYPO3 conference. So go ahead and <link http: t3con11-frankfurt.typo3.org sessions.html>submit your abstract now!

As in the last year we like to ask for your know how and experience to decide on the submitted papers. If you feel fit for reading all submitted abstracts and vote on them, please send an email to <link http: news.typo3.org news article t3con11-call-for-papers-extended for the paper voting>robert(at)typo3.org and apply for being in the paper voting committee. From all applicants we’ll choose a variety of expertise to make up the paper voting committee. Currently we're especially short on people with design/usability experience.

Looking forward to seeing you in Hanau!