Status of ReStructured Text migration (September 2012)

Categories: Documentation Created by François Suter
Long time no news, but the project has progressed a lot in the meantime. Read on to learn more about the status and about how you can help.
The migration of the official documentation to ReStructured Text has mode big progress during the last few months, although most of it is not visible. Martin Bless has been busy optimizing the Python scripts that drive the rendering of the manuals. Fabien Udriot has worked on the job queue itself, building on a FLOW3 module by Sebastian Kurfürst which interfaces with beanstalkd, a simple but efficient work queue daemon. This FLOW3 package now also includes a domain model for manuals. Since the switch to ReStructured Text was made official last July, documentation patches have already been submitted to match TYPO3 Core changes, as is the new policy. This is a huge step forward and dramatically helps the Documentation Team keep the manuals up to date. We now have a big deadline looming over us: according to the roadmap, TYPO3 6.0 will be released on October 24th and we need to make sure the updated documentation is available at the time. In a sense, it already is. If you point your browser to <link http: typo3 preview web>, you can access all the manuals in HTML format. However they are still in a rather rough status, after their automated transformation from OpenOffice. A lot of love and care is still needed to make them really nice and clean. Their look and feel is also definitely not final. We are confident that we can make it, at least up to a point. We would dearly welcome extra helping hands, which might make it possible to reach the deadline with flying colors. We need help mostly in the following areas:
  • refreshing old screenshots (and renaming the corresponding image files)
  • cleaning up the ReST files (see <link http: docteam restructuring_migrated_manuals list in the typo3>
  • developing the FLOW3 module
Volunteers should announce themselves in the Documentation mailing list (<link http: cgi-bin mailman listinfo typo3-project-documentation documentation mailing list>