TYPO3 13.4.7 maintenance release published
The version 13.4.7 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System has just been released.
In the morning before the GA, our Team Leaders met for a common workshop. Mathias Bolt Lesniak moderated the workshop and we started with some nice exercises to melt the ice.
We tried to find answers to these questions:
At the end, we had a bunch of ideas which we want to implement
We continue our process to renew the TYPO3 Association. As announced in November 2017, the General Assembly decided to change our by-laws. You can see all changes in detail in our Newsarticle: On the way to a leaner more transparent Association. Here is the quick summary:
In the end we hope that we can create faster decisions and can react more flexibly.
For the last time, the Board was elected by the EAB. Olivier Dobberkau was re-elected as President, Stefan Busemann as Secretary and Mathias Bolt Lesniak as First Assessor.
For the EAB we had four open positions, but only two nominees. As we plan to reduce the size of the Board it is acceptable. For the election in 2019, we still hope for more nominees. We congratulate Robert Lind and Rino Razzi on their re-election.
In the BCC Jochen Weiland was re-elected. We are happy that we can present a new face on the BCC: Daniel Bachmann is now part of the BCC for the first time.
The last year was very successful for the TYPO3 Association. We reported that we were able to increase our revenue. Further the TYPO3 company needed less money than expected. This opened up the opportunity to increase our running budget. We are very optimistic that we can keep our course.
The version 13.4.7 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System has just been released.
The version 13.4.6 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System has just been released.
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