Report From The Content Types Team

Categories: Development, Community, TYPO3 CMS Created by André Kraus
Five men in casual clothes standing on an orange floor. Behind them, the TYPO3 logo on a white wall.
In late November 2023, the Content Types Team hosted a Content Blocks code sprint event at the TYPO3 headquarters in Düsseldorf. Photo: Private
The Content Types Team has had a productive couple of months. We showcased the Content Blocks extension at TYPO3camp RheinRuhr, and received valuable feedback from the community.

Following this, a self-organized codesprint event in Düsseldorf focused on extending the GUI for EXT:content_blocks, resulting in a comprehensive first draft. We have also welcomed two new members, Philipp and Filippos, to our team, enhancing our resources for further development.

As promised, Content Blocks is now officially planned for inclusion in TYPO3 v13. The sprint release v13.2 is scheduled for 2 July 2024.

TYPO3camp RheinRuhr November 2023

On 3 - 5 November 2023, we had the pleasure of participating in the TYPO3camp RheinRuhr event. On behalf of Nikita, we introduced the TYPO3 community to our latest updates and the current state of our extension. It is always immensely valuable to receive feedback from fellow TYPO3 enthusiasts. Similar to other lectures, the topic was well-received and attracted many interested parties. Events like the TYPO3camp RheinRuhr are the ideal spot for getting the right input.

Codesprint Event in Düsseldorf: Extend the GUI for Content Blocks 

In late November 2023, we hosted a Content Blocks Codesprint event at the TYPO3 headquarters in Düsseldorf. The primary focus was to actively extend the GUI for EXT:content_blocks. This event was a joint initiative of all team members to spend a focused week working together on the GUI and EXT:content_blocks. The result is a promising first draft of the GUI that allows creation, editing, deletion and export of different Content Block types.

We’d like to extend many thanks to TYPO3 GmbH, who provided us with the premises at the headquarters and took excellent care of us during the week!

Welcoming New Team Members

We’re delighted that our team has expanded with the addition of two new faces: Philipp Kuhlmay and Filippos Karpouchtsis. 

Philipp has a strong background in TYPO3 development and many years of experience. At the moment he also maintains the popular extension, Extension Builder. Philipp brings a strategic mindset and technical expertise to our project. As an all-rounder, he helps out in many different areas, which represents real added value to our team.

Filippos, or, as we call him, the “fast-learning Fil”, joined us with the self-organized code sprint and has been actively supporting us with his Vue.js knowledge. We are looking forward to having him as a frontend developer in the future so that we can make progress in terms of usability and design of the GUI.

We are pleased to have both Philipp and Filippos on board, so that we can work on the further development of Content Blocks with even more person power in the future.

What’s Next?

We are dedicated to the further development of EXT:content_blocks based on the findings from the TYPO3camp RheinRuhr and the joint efforts of the Codesprint event. Since Philipp and Filippos bring their unique strengths to the team, we are optimistic about our future tasks and TODO's.

Keep in Touch

Thanks to the TYPO3 Community for your great feedback so far! Your feedback and support is an essential part of our work, so we still encourage you to test the extension via the repository or Packagist and give us your opinions and feedback. Open issues on GitHub, contact us on Slack via our channel #cig-structuredcontent or send us your feedback in other ways. We appreciate any help and support!

You can join our calls on the 1st and 3rd Monday per month at 20:00 CET (19:00 UTC).

The Content Types Team

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