Recap: TYPO3 Review Friday in June 2018

Once more, the TYPO3 GmbH opened its doors for contributors for a day full of pushing patches and fixing issues.

This time round, the day before our Review Friday on June 1st was a public holiday hereabouts. And honestly, what can be nicer than taking a single day off from work and getting a long 4-day weekend in return?!

Therefore, it came as no surprise that it was just Mona Muzaffar (on her free day) and I who turned up at the TYPO3 office in Düsseldorf last Friday morning. We plunged right into reviewing patches and having a good time while doing so.

Remote workers are also very welcome to join us!

Luckily the event isn’t limited to those who can make it to our office. Several collaborators from afar came along and joined us online. Jan Helke spent the day with us, and so did Richard Haeser and Andreas Fernandez. 

Some others also got their hands dirty for a little while, there is simply no limit to what's useful. Sorry if I haven't mentioned everyone, just comment and complain. You'll get a free beer (or whatever your drink of choice is) when you come to the next event and yell at me for ignoring you.

And...drumroll...we had another newcomer! Sven Jürgens made both his first contribution as well as his first merge. This deserves a really big thank you! We all know how daunting that very first contribution can seem and just love it when newcomers face that challenge and experience the satisfaction of getting a patch accepted in the core.

Some stats

We were able to finalize 12 patches, which got merged. Not bad, considering that we were a small team this time due to the public holiday. Of course there’s room for more, but it does all add up. And we certainly had fun together nonetheless!

Contributing towards TYPO3

As an open source project, TYPO3 is developed by a team of volunteer contributors. TYPO3 has no strict hierarchies and anyone who would like to contribute to our common goal of creating working software can get in on the act. We believe in sharing knowledge and know-how. And we believe in empowering through hands-on learning.

Next Review Friday is scheduled for July 6th

Join us in Düsseldorf for our next Friday Review on the first Friday in July! Remote workers are also very welcome, whatever fits in best with your schedule. For those who come to the “headquarters” office there will be food, beverages and sweets.

We are in this together, let’s do this together! I look forward meeting you next month again.

Kind regards

P.S. You can sign up via Facebook (link is in the event description) or by contacting me via Slack (@maddy). Or just come along to our office in Düsseldorf!