On the Road to TYPO3 v4.4 - Status Report #1

Categories: Development Created by Benjamin Mack
Every couple of weeks, I want to give you a quick status update on how development is progressing with the next TYPO3 v4 release. Here is the first update!
Every couple of weeks, I want to give you a quick status update on how development is progressing with the next TYPO3 v4 release. Here is what's going on: Changes from the TYPO3 User Experience Week Most of the incredible work that happened during the T3UXW09 has not been merged back in the TYPO3 trunk yet. However, everything is set in motion to finish up these tasks, by writing guidelines for CSS and JavaScript coding, and by preparing patches that can be reviewed in the TYPO3 core list. The first goal is to incorporate the new skinning API and to allow the automatic generation of "icon sprites" within the TYPO3 core. After that, the new page tree and backend viewport, the new page "grid view" module and the installer changes will follow.

TCEforms Refactoring On December 10th, I had a meeting with Andreas Wolf, who is currently working on the TCEforms refactoring. The main task for now is merging back all the changes that happened in the trunk version of t3lib_tceforms to the refactored state. Andreas also wrote a document about which class handles what part of the Form rendering.
The current code is available on <link http: github.com andreaswolf typo3-tceforms>github. We badly need to rework some of the classes, mostly IRRE and Flexforms features are missing right now. If you're willing to help, let us know and contact us -- We need you!

Workspaces Sonja Scholz' changes that happened to TYPO3 v4.2, are available separately <link http: forge.typo3.org projects show typo3v4-workspaces>on forge and will be updated as patches for the TYPO3 core trunk so it can be reviewed and processed. Keep checking for updates about that topic on the forge page within the next weeks.

There is a lot more happening for the current development, and I'll keep you posted!

If you love to participate, don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to help you.
Benni Mack
Release Manager TYPO3 v4.4