During the TYPO3 snowboard tour the TYPO3 version 4 core bug tracker was migrated from bugs.typo3.org to Forge.
All version 4 core issues are now handled at <link http: forge.typo3.org projects typo3v4-core issues _blank>forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-core/issues. Handling all issues at forge makes it easier for developers and reporters, as all core relevant bug trackers are now in one place.
The new review system at <link http: review.typo3.org _blank>review.typo3.org automatically associates revisions to forge bugs and makes it possible to easily see in which revision a bug was fixed.
The next steps will be an even closer connection between the review system and the bug tracker, making it possible to automatically set review states and versions corresponding to the available patches.