Created by Michael Stucki on behalf of the EAB
Information about the upcoming poll for members of the TYPO3 Association.
Dear Members of the TYPO3 Association,
As you might have learned from our recent news the TYPO3 Association and the Neos team have <link http: news article typo3-project-focuses-on-typo3-cms-neos-to-start-its-own-community>begun negotiations about separating the Neos project from the TYPO3 Association.
Some details of the separation are easy to decide and are already on their way. Yet, there are decisions where we’d love to hear your voice.
During the next hours, members of the TYPO3 Association will receive a voting token to raise their voice about the remains of the three budgets that are related to Neos and about the license change that was proposed by the Neos team. This poll will run until June 30, 2015.
Note: Due to limitations of our current voting application, the questions will be explained here in detail and not in the voting application. Please excuse this little inconvenience - we will improve the voting application later this year...
If you have further questions regarding this voting, please don’t hesitate to contact us through <link> or in the public <link https: slack _blank>Slack channel #t3a-eab.
0. The budget #4081 ”TYPO3 Neos UX research” with a total amount of EUR 14,000 has been handed back to the T3A by the budget owner. Only EUR 3,400 (24%) of this budget have been used.
This is just a preceding information to explain that no voting is needed about this budget.
1. The total budget amount of budget #4006 “TYPO3 Neos Code Sprints and Quality Assurance” for 2015 is EUR 45,912. At present, EUR 17,800 (39%) of this budget have been used.
Question: Should the Neos team be allowed to continue using this budget for activities taking place after June 30 until the end of the 2015 budget term?
2. The total budget amount of budget #4021 “Documentation & Documentation Tools for Neos/Flow” for 2015 is EUR 13,750. At present, 0% of this budget have been used.
Question: Should the Neos team be allowed to continue using this budget until the end of the 2015 budget term?
3. The Neos community asks the TYPO3 Association (as the licence owner) to change the license of Flow from LGPL to MIT license.
Question: Do you grant the right to the T3A Board to change the type of the Open Source license of Flow in coordination with the Neos team?
Best regards, Michael Stucki, Chairman of the Expert Advisory Board
UPDATE: 21.06.2015 19:00 Question 3) is now clarified. The license change is only planned for Flow.