Christian Müller TYPO3 is proud to announce its participation with a keynote speech from <link https: twitter.com daskitsunet _blank to twitter account of christian>Christian Müller “Inspire, Share, TYPO3”, aiming at introducing the three TYPO3 main products, as well as the community itself. Moreover, TYPO3 will be present with a booth and with two informative workshops on TYPO3 CMS and NEOS. TYPO3 will be sharing a booth and organizing workshops with the Spanish Members of the TYPO3 Association Michel Mix from <link http: _blank to>12Mix, <link https: twitter.com jaguerra _blank to twitter account of jose antonio>Jose Antonio Guerra and <link https: twitter.com cllanosz _blank to twitter account of carlos antonio>Carlos Antonio Llanos from <link http: www.icti.es _blank to website of>ICTI Internet Passion. Come, join us, visit our booth and support TYPO3 in inspiring people to share! TYPO3 Association, Naike Beggiato (naike.beggiato(at)typo3.org)