Marketing Team Meeting January, 22nd

Categories: Community, Marketing Created by Berit Hlubek
Last week the marketing team met for the first time in 2014 for a live meeting. Besides our monthly virtual meetings, the marketing team also meets some four times a year to connect in the real world.
 After a successful 2013 with as a highlight the Marketing Sprint, including the communication workshop, we are looking forward to continue our efforts in 2014. The marketing team agenda for the day was to create a plan covering our activities for this year.

Agency Gatherings

We plan to organize meetings with agencies to talk about different important topics surrounding the daily work with TYPO3:
  • Product features that would be great to have in TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 Neos
  • Get information on what sort of marketing support is needed
  • Get more information on markets and trends
We created a list of several cities were the meetings should take place. The goal was to pick some different areas to give as many agencies as possible an easy chance to join. Germany: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich/Stuttgart
The Netherlands: Eindhoven
Denmark: Copenhagen
Switzerland: Zurich
Austria: Vienna
France: Paris
Next steps will include Romania, Poland and the USA. The first gatherings will be in Berlin, Eindhoven and Copenhagen. We want to invite project managers, chief editors and those who are doing editors workshops and know which features the people who are working with content editing are missing the most. Our next step will be to organize the first meetings and create a list of agencies near those cities and invite them. We will keep you informed within a dedicated news article as far as the first meetings are scheduled.

CMS Garden

CMS Garden is now an official association and the TYPO3 association is a founding member. Bernhard Welzel represents the TYPO3 community in CMS Garden. CeBIT is the first and biggest event this year that TYPO3 will be involved in for CMS Garden. There are quite some events this year CMS Garden plans to attend. CMS Garden will also plan some activity surrounding community and OS CMS.

Communication Workshops

After the great success of the first communication workshop during last year‘s TYPO3 Marketing Sprint Week we plan to organize more communication workshops. Our goal is to provide community members with the chance to join a workshop like this, which is why we want to have Scott and Marc from OSS Watch at this year‘s TYPO3 Developer Days. Our next step is to talk to the two of them and organize those workshops during the T3DD14.

TYPO3 Association Members Marketing Survey

During last year‘s Marketing Sprint Week we started to create a survey for the TYPO3 Association Members. Main topic of the survey is to ask people? opinion on what the tasks of the marketing team should be. Our goal is that we want to give the association members a chance to give feedback on this topic. Our next step is to finalize the survey and to send it out to the members.

Strategy Meetings

Based on the strategy day of last year‘s Marketing Sprint Week we want to organize more meetings of that kind. In the next step we will invite all TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 Neos active contributors / members for a one day event. The goal will be to create a positioning for the two products.


Christian Müller has been allocated a specific evangelism budget. Ben will check together with Christian how best to use this budget. A first opportunity would be the CMS Africa Summit 2014.

TYPO3 Newsletter

We want to create a regular newsletter which will be send out every month. It will basically be a collections of what‘s happening around TYPO3 and especially targets people who want to keep updated but don‘t regularly read the news. Our next step is to organize and prepare everything which needs to be done.

Social Media

We already have a variety of channels we are using for social media communication. Until now the usage is mainly based on pushing information out but we want to change this and also create conversations. To make this happen we want to create a social media team which takes care about the different channels. To optimize this regular work Ben organized a pro-account at Hootsuite (social media publishing and monitoring platform). The next step is to add all our social media account data to the Hootsuite platform and to build that team. Some community members already offered their help and the first task for this new team will be to create a basic ruleset on how to communicate and what to publish where.

Sponsoring of official material (i.e. websites, videos)

Until now we never had any rules on how to manage sponsoring of stuff like videos for our products or websites for conferences. We want to create some really basic rules which should help everyone working with sponsored material. Our next step will be a meeting during which we brainstorm about this topic and discuss the different possibilities.

Creation of marketing material

During last year‘s Marketing Sprint Week the creation of different material was started. The TYPO3 Neos Factsheet is already in place and can be downloaded at The other materials include: TYPO3 CMS Fact Sheet, TYPO3 Flow Fact Sheet, TYPO3 Association Flyer, Generic T-Shirts and more. The next step will be to have a mini sprint with the people involved in the creation of the TYPO3 CMS Fact Sheet to finalize this. Afterwards next mini sprints will be organized to proceed the same way with the other materials which weren‘t finalized yet. Relaunch

For 2014 we plan to organize a preparation for a relaunch of Main objective for the relaunch will be a new fresh and responsive design. Currently we are organizing a week with the aim to create a concept and mockups for every relevant view of the website. We will keep you informed about the status and next steps.