The month of March has been dedicated to few key upcoming events. The <link http: home news news-detail general_assembly_2015 ref assoc _blank>General Assembly (GA) will take place on April 13 in Essen, together with the first <link http: home news news-detail dialogue_days_2015 ref assoc _blank>TYPO3 Dialogue Days.

Stefan Busemann has been occupied with the preparation for both events and has published the related <link http: typo3_dialogue_days_2015 _blank>wiki, where you can find the current agenda for the events. The main focuses of the three days will be on the future of the TYPO3 Association and of the TYPO3 project, on the communication and collaboration within TYPO3 teams, and on crucial ideas that will be brought up by the participants.
For the delegation of your votings at the General Assembly to other participants, the TYPO3 Association has published a specific <link http: general-assembly ref assoc _blank>form. Remember that according to our bylaws one person can give a maximum of 20 votes.
Also, remember that <link http: news article dialogue-days-2015 _blank>sponsoring is very welcome. We would be happy to count on your support.
The elections for the EAB and BCC bodies have been taking place online in the last weeks and have ended on April 4. The results will be communicated next. We are looking forward to welcoming to the TYPO3 Association our new colleagues.
Alain Veuve and the TYPO3 Back office have focused quite some energy on the relaunch of the <link https: collections memberships _blank>TYPO3 Shop, which is online since April 1st. We are happy to receive your feedback on this and will be in touch with you all with further details on memberships after the General Assembly.
The first 2015 quarter of the TYPO3 Association has been closed now and by looking back at it we can see that big steps have been taken. With the definition of the new goals and with the proposals for the new <link http: fileadmin t3org images fm-news t3a typo3_strategy_final_d.pdf _blank>strategy, the organization is moving towards the definition of a new vision. As regards our members, we have ended the first quarter of the year with a total of 636 members. The number of new members since the beginning of the year until the end of March 2015 amounts to 10 and we are very happy to welcome each of them!