TYPO3 extensions play a major role in the day-to-day business of developing TYPO3 sites. To become a seasoned TYPO3 developer, one of the basics you need to learn is how to program and implement these extensions. There are many different ways to build TYPO3 extensions, for instance:
- With the pi-based infrastructure
- Based on Extbase and Fluid
- Write extensions from scratch with pure PHP code
- Or use any PHP framework you like
Jump start your Extbase and Fluid skills
To acquire the comprehensive skill set of Extbase and Fluid, a good starting point is a book that is now available in Italian: TYPO3 Extbase: Sviluppo Estensioni Moderne per TYPO3 CMS con Extbase & Fluid (Italiano).
You’ll find the English version here: TYPO3 Extbase: Modern Extension Development for TYPO3 CMS with Extbase & Fluid and the German version here: TYPO3 Extbase: Moderne Extensionentwicklung für TYPO3 CMS mit Extbase & Fluid.