Longest commuting team members Michael Cannon and Peichi Liu of Rosenheim Germany thought that Beech.it hospitality was top notch. Shortest commute members, Susanne Moog and Christian Kuhn felt that a half-case of Coke Zero per day was about right. Young buck Philipp Gampe of Bonn, figures that Venlo's restaurants could use a few motherly cooking lessons. Finally, organizer and Hannover resident, Helmut Hummel concedes that a 3-hour train ride wasn't too bad for having a productive weekend.
Downloadable results from the Venlo Introduction Package Code Sprint will be available with the TYPO3 6.0 release at <link download>typo3.org/download/ in October.
If you have any requests or issues to report for the TYPO3 Introduction Package, please submit them to <link http: forge.typo3.org projects extension-introduction issues>forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-introduction/issues.
The next TYPO3 code sprint will be to advance quality assurance and continuous integration processes from September 20th to 23rd in Linz Austria. If you've got an itch about something of TYPO3, please help scratch it by attending or supporting a code sprint.
A Special Request
????????????michael@typo3vagabond.com???TYPO3??????Change Log
- [BUGFIX] Broken link to T3o
- [BUGFIX] Error in AutomakeTemplate/setup.ts
- [BUGFIX] Extract TSconfig of record folders
- [BUGFIX] Remove exec bit from doc/manual.swx
- [BUGFIX] W3C Validation Error on HTML5 meta tags
- [BUG] Remove noBlur = 1 in TS for 6.0
- [FEATURE] Extend .gitignore with Core folders
- [FEATURE] Set [BE][explicitADmode] = explicitAllow
- [FEATURE] Update realurl to 1.12.2
- [TASK] Adapt LocalConfiguration.php to current master
- [TASK] Make home page not a shortcut
- [TASK] Move all TSConfig into files
- [TASK] Remove need for database backed TypoScript templates
- [TASK] Update be usergroup rights for explicitAllow
- [TASK] Update sql import to the current state
- TYPO3 downloads– <link download>typo3.org/download/
- TYPO3 Introduction Package bugs and features – <link http: forge.typo3.org projects extension-introduction issues>forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-introduction/issues
- News system extension – <link extensions repository view news>typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/news
- 2012 Code Sprints – <link news article code-sprints-for-typo3-60>typo3.org/news/article/code-sprints-for-typo3-60/
- Help review TYPO3 code – <link https: review.typo3.org q>review.typo3.org