Initiative Report 1/2019

Categories: Development, TYPO3 CMS Created by Susanne Moog
In our recent news about TYPO3 version 10 we announced we are going to shift our focus on initiatives - see News to TYPO3 v10. To allow you to take part in our journey, we want to keep you informed what different initiatives exist, what they are planning and how you can contribute. Let’s shine a light on our initiatives in Q1 2019!

Dashboard Initiative

The dashboard initiative is still in an early phase, basic concepts and goals are being defined, organisational stuff is being taken care of.

See Dashboard Initiative


Persistence Initiative

The persistence initiative is meeting this month in person to discuss further steps regarding a new permission layer and prerequisites for a GraphQL integration. Little birds whisper that JSON API could also be a topic.

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Progressive Web App Initiative

PWAs are getting more and more attractive in the past months, - especially in situations where TYPO3 acts together with eCommerce solutions where a tight integration with content management is necessary. The PWA initiative is currently evaluating the GraphQL integration and checks what other parts are necessary within the TYPO3 Core to generate a PWA-based frontend.

Check it out


Frontend Initiative

The frontend editing initiative is being restructured at the moment. The solution provided as extension by pixelant can be used - for future core integration the concept needs some adjustments and a fresh look on today’s requirements.

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Form Framework Initiative

The form framework has been part of the TYPO3 core since version 8. The initiative takes care of further development. Currently, the feature set and plans for v10 are being made - once those are defined, you'll get an update.

Help forming the initiative


Admin Panel Initiative

The admin panel initiative refactored the admin panel for version 9 and introduced an extension called “adminpanel_extended” with additional features like showing hooks and signals or online users. Next steps are defining which further features to implement as well as creating a “symfony like” debugger application.

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SEO Initiative

The SEO initiative brought exciting new features to v9 - like sitemaps, hreflang support, a meta tag API and easier title handling. In v10 the story shall continue. Open issues are for example more documentation and tutorials and a integration. 

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Inspired? Start your own!

If you have a strategic topic you’d like to see developed further, now is your time. You can create your own initiative, find like-minded people and get the TYPO3 you want!

Start an Initiative!

We are looking forward to your ideas!

Susi Moog,

from the TYPO3 Product Team