Google announced GSoC projects

Categories: Community Created by TYPO3 GSoC Admin Team/Tobias Liebig
Yesterday many students all over the world waited for Google to announce the <link http: students-announced-for-google-summer-of.html _blank>list of accepted students for this years Google Summer of Code (GSoC). Google Summer of Code is a global program by Google that offers students to write code for open source projects. The TYPO3 Association is one of the 177 mentoring open source organizations participating this year. 1192 students/projects were accepted from a total of 5999 proposals by 4144 students. We had a bunch of promising proposals too and are delighted that we got five slots this year. These are the five projects for our Google Summer of Code:
  • <link http: gsoc project google gsoc2013 kpolosin>Core updater by Kostya Polosin mentored by Kay Strobach and Oliver Klee
  • <link http: gsoc project google gsoc2013 ua13dark>Create a oAuth layer by Denys Butenko mentored by Sebastian Michaelsen
  • <link http: gsoc project google gsoc2013 puja>Fluid : Cut dependencies on Flow by Puja Singh mentored by Karsten Dambekalns
  • <link http: gsoc project google gsoc2013 cognifloyd>FluidBoilerplate by Jacob Floyd mentored by Robert Weißgräber
  • <link http: gsoc project google gsoc2013 manuel_mitasch>Kickstarter for Flow/Ember.js applications by Manuel Mitasch mentored by Rens Admiraal
Today the "<link http: so-what-is-this-community-bonding-all.html>Community Bonding Period" begins. In this time the students will get to know their mentors and our community. Give them a warm welcome and help them, when you read their names in the mailling lists or IRC! If you want to stay up to date what happens during the summer, follow the <link http: cgi-bin mailman listinfo typo3-gsoc>TYPO3-GSoC-mailling list and the <link https: typo3_gsoc>typo3_gsoc twitter account. Congratulations to all accepted students. We are really looking forward to your projects and this summer of code!