Content Blocks on the Way to the Core

Categories: Development, Community, TYPO3 CMS Created by André Kraus
The Content Types Team.
We have come a long way and there is still a lot to do. Content Blocks are on their way to being integrated with TYPO3 v13 and mark a significant milestone on the development journey and the future handling of building and creating new content elements.

Integrating the Separate Parts of Content Blocks Into the Core 

An important building block in the procedure is the exchange with the Core team. Based on this exchange, we have been able to encapsulate the standalone parts and work on a reliable solution. We’ve also formed upcoming plans to implement our vision. In addition, the integration for version 13 is currently in progress, and we are discussing and finding solutions for the last challenges.

Optimizations and Bug Fixing in the Current Content Blocks Extension

Due to the fact that we have focused on integrating the Content Blocks related patches into the Core, development of additional features for the current extension will pause. Of course, bug fix releases will be provided if needed. 

Now let's see what's changed: The latest version, 0.7.15 for TYPO3 v12, introduces several bug fixes and optimizations. Find the detailed change logs on the Release page.

TYPO3 Codesprint Düsseldorf June 2024 

Most of the members of the Content Types Team participated in the latest TYPO3 Codesprint held at the TYPO3 Headquarters on 10–14 June 2024. We actively worked on Content Blocks-related topics and the GUI, and exchanged ideas with the Core Team to get things done. It was a fantastic week during which we solved some challenges. One of the major decisions was to bring Content Blocks as a first class citizen feature into the Core. This means that TYPO3 will ship Content Blocks out of the box. This is also the reason why the feature won’t be a system extension as originally planned. Furthermore, we have also made fundamental decisions regarding the GUI to be able to react quickly to changing circumstances in the future.

TYPO3Camp Switzerland April 2024

On 18–20 April, 2024 we were represented at the TYPO3Camp Switzerland in Zurich. Similar to TYPO3Camp Mitteldeutschland in March 2024, we once again offered our two talks: one focused on the concept of Content Blocks, the other was a hands-on session. Both talks attracted a lot of interest in Switzerland.

What’s Next?

The main focus in the coming period will be on completing and reviewing the integration of the Content Blocks related patches so that the rock solid parts will be integrated into TYPO3 v13.

We still encourage you to test the extension via the TER or Packagist and give us your opinions and feedback! Open issues on GitHub, contact us on Slack via our channel #cig-structuredcontent or send us your feedback in other ways! We appreciate any help and support!

Additionally, our work continues on the GUI.

Keep In Touch

Thank you for your great feedback so far! Please keep testing and sharing your thoughts with us! You can reach us at #cig-structuredcontent on Slack, or join our calls on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 20:00 CET (19:00 UTC).

The Content Types Team

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