Coding the TYPO3 Core in 2024

Categories: Development, TYPO3 CMS Created by Benni Mack
Fruit and vegetables, some halved, placed together.
Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels
Every year we re-evaluate the Core development workflow and open up for new people to join the effort to drive the TYPO3 Core development further. Maybe this year is your year to join?

Coding the TYPO3 Core in 2024: A New Opportunity

Each year brings fresh opportunities for developers to contribute to the TYPO3 Core, and 2024 is no different. Our core development process is continually evolving to meet the needs of our community, welcoming both new and seasoned contributors to drive TYPO3 forward.

TYPO3 Core development is split into two parts — Initiatives are goal-oriented groups that bring together contributors to tackle specific objectives with a finite end.

Component and Framework Mergers, on the other hand, ensure the ongoing maintenance and development of the TYPO3 Core.

The Role of Core Mergers

Core Mergers play a crucial role in integrating contributions from the community into the TYPO3 Core and ensure the long-term stability of the product. Framework Mergers have a comprehensive overview of the entire core, while Component Mergers specialize in specific areas. Ideal candidates for these roles should have a solid understanding of TYPO3 Core’s architecture and the contribution process. Applicants should have already created or reviewed at least 10 patches in the past 6 months. They should also be able to commit a consistent amount of time to their duties.

Joining the Core Power

We are looking to fill 10 Framework Merger positions (up from 8 last year) and several Component Merger roles in the following areas:

  • Accessibility
  • Backend User Interface
  • CLI Integration & Composer Improvements
  • Documentation
  • Extbase + Plugin API
  • Form Framework
  • Fluid Templating Engine
  • Issue Tracking / Reporting
  • Persistence & Database Layer
  • Routing and Redirect Handling
  • SEO
  • Tests / Testing Framework

Both current mergers and new applicants are encouraged to apply via the form submission page. The application deadline is July 5, 2024, at 23:59 CET. After the selection process, the new mergers will be listed on our structure and responsibilities page.

Apply Now

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