The results of the survey conducted November 2-16 by the T3A Certification Team, clearly show that the majority of TYPO3 developers have the willingness to take part in a certification examination for developers.
Within the two week period over 870 persons from all over the world filled in the online survey. Although the European countries are traditionally heavily represented, developers from all over the globe took part in the questionaire. The large amount of participants justifies the conclusion that the results are valid and representative for the TYPO3 developer community as a whole.
The Certification Team will use the outcome of the survey on the various aspects of certification as a lead in the development of the certification scheme. The enormous participation stimulates the team to continue their work and make the certification into something worthwhile for all developers
The document with all results of the survey can be downloaded from <link http: fileadmin committees certification documents survey_results.pdf _top>this location.