Quarterly Meeting, Dialogue Day, General Assembly, typo3.inc, typo3.com and updated memberlistings
After a longer christmas break we are finally back with our regular reports. And in the meantime a lot positive stuff happened.
23. March - 3. April 2016 TYPO3 Association elections: The latest elections results are showing, that we are on a good way, to get more international people in the TYPO3 Association.
4. April 2016 Quarterly Summit: The Board and the Expert Advisory Board (EAB) of the TYPO3 Association met in Essen. We prepared mainly the General Assembly and the finalized the concept for the founding of a TYPO3 company. Another important outcome was the closer collaboration between Board and EAB. It is planned, to have combined meetings and shared responsibilities from now on. This enables us, to distribute better the workload.
5. April 2016 Dialogue Day: In the perfect location of the Unperfekthaus we had an inspiring Dialogue Day. 22 participants of Community, Association and Teams met to find ideas for several areas:
- Identifying blockers in the team collaboration: Some projects are delayed or even fail, because teams are not able to collaborate. We developed ideas to solve that issues, like setting up a best practise paper for sprints or introduce a “train the trainer” program (which stands for team leaders in our case).
- Membership benefits: Increasing the number of members is one of the main goals of the TYPO3 Association. We developed some ideas, to create more value for a membership. Some first results (improve member & PSL listing) are already implemented (see typo3.org sprint below)
- We were looking for ways to simplify contribution. New members of our community, should
- Collaboration between typo3.inc: Once a TYPO3 company is founded, we need to find a task sharing between our teams and company. The company will have manpower and therefor resource to speed up tasks, but it can’t be responsible for everything. We started a discussion, about future responsibilities.

6. April 2016 General Assembly (GA): The members at the GA took a very clear decision: The concept of founding a TYPO3 company was approved with only one abstain vote. The Board is very happy for this sign of confidence. The first steps for the founding are already taken and we will keep informing you about this process.
Board election: Olivier Dobberkau (President) and Stefan Busemann were reelected in their positions for the next two years.

6. April 2016 TYPO3.com launch: The new website will be the main information source for decision takers. We want to present our product in a fresh and responsive design. It is planned to present there also all services of the TYPO3 company. We thank all contributors, which made this page possible.
12. May - 14. May 2016: TYPO3.org sprint and many improovements for our member- and professional service listing.
- The member listing indicates now, if a member is offering professional services. By clicking the link or icon, the visitor gets to the PSL entry of the company.
- Professional Services Listing: The map listing and the search functionality is now working again. We added also somesmall features to the companies entry. The company adress is now completly shown and there is a “contact” button,which opens a contact form. The request is send by email to the company.

- On the startpage of typo3.org you find now a new box “case studies”. Their entries are pointing to the case studies of our PSL members.
- Our next steps will be the integration of the certified integrator & developer listing. It is planned give integrators and developer a personal page and we want to link professional service listings entries with integrator and developer entries.
Upcoming & Dates:
- 11.07.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Berlin
- 12.07.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Hamburg
- 18.08.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Bern
- 23.08.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Copenhagen
- 24.08.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Utrecht
- 25.08.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Dusseldorf
- 01.09.2016 - 04.09.2016 TYPO3 Developer Days 2016
- 06.09.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Paris
- 28.09.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Vienna
- 04.10.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Bologna
- 04.10.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Frankfurt on the Main
- 11.10.2016, TYPO3 Agency Meetup Day Munich
- 26. / 27.10.2016 TYPO3 Conference
Follow <link https: twitter.com typo3assoc association at>@TYPO3Assoc on Twitter.
Become a member now!
If you are not a TYPO3 Association member yet and would like to become one, please get in touch with us or visit our <link http: www.typo3-shop.com typo3-association-membership.html>online shop to purchase your membership now. If you wish to upgrade your affiliation level instead, be in contact with the back office, they are always happy to help you.