The second quarter of the year has been packed with events and has been very future oriented. What have we done?
The first weeks of the month have been focused on the preparation for the TYPO3 Dialogue Days 2015 and for the yearly General Assembly (GA). Stefan Busemann was strongly concentrated on the organization of the events, while the rest of the Board was concentrated on finalizing the content and the petitions for the General Assembly.
April 4: closing the votings for TYPO3 Association elections 2015
As previously announced, this year few positions within the TYPO3 Association's bodies were up for re-election. Next to the confirmations of Alain Veuve and Ric van Westhreenen within the Board, as well as of Roberto Torresani and Ingo Schmitt within the Business Control Committee (BCC), and of Peter Pröll within the Expert Advisory Board (EAB), some changes happened within the team of our budget experts. The EAB had indeed to say goodbye to Jan-Hendrik Heuing and to Jonas Felix and was happy to welcome Boris Hinzer and Chris Zepernick on board. On April 9, we published a <link https: news article results-of-the-typo3-association-elections-2015 _blank to typo3 association elections>report on the results of the elections, which tells you more about them.
April 13-15: the TYPO3 Dialogue Days 2015
Then finally the big day arrived, on April 13 we kicked off the TYPO3 Dialogue Days 2015, first edition, but definitely not the last one. The Unperfekthaus in Essen has been the hosting location, with its creative touch, it has been a great place for such a meetup. The TYPO3 Association (T3A) aimed at strengthening the contact between itself and the rest of the TYPO3 Community, through the greatest tool of all times: DIALOGUE.

As you might have seen, the results of this exciting get together have been published through two reports in the past weeks:
- <link https: news article typo3-dialogue-days-2015-what-was-it-about _blank to typo3 dialogue days>TYPO3 Dialogue Days - what was it about?
- <link https: news article values-of-the-typo3-community-an-open-source-ecosystem _blank to typo3 community>Values of the TYPO3 Community - an Open Source Ecosystem.
As regards the General Assembly, instead, a full protocol has been published on the <link https: association how-it-works general-assembly _blank to general assembly>Association's page, which has in the meantime migrated to This year the GA was in charge of deciding on few key issues, the main one being the strategic direction of the TYPO3 Association for the upcoming years (2016-2019). You might be aware of the fact that Scenario 3 of the <link http: news article title-why-you-really-must-attend-the-ga-this-year-like-really _blank>strategic proposal has been chosen:
Remember to have a look at the GA protocol, which will be approved at the GA 2016. If you have questions about it or comments, please let us know.
At the GA the exit of Frederic Gaus from the Board became official. The new 2nd Assessor of the Board is now Peter Kraume, elected by the EAB unanimously.
Peter is a web developer working with TYPO3 since 2005, employed by bgm websolutions in Neubiberg near Munich, he is also a co-founder and co-organizer of the TYPO3camp Munich, member and co-organizer of the Munich TYPO3 User Group, blogger at, and maintainer of the ticket queue since 2011. Furthermore he is a regular participant of several community events. A little look into his private life: Peter is married and is the proud father of one. They live in a small town near Munich, Germany. As a member of the T3A board Peter would like to improve the way external and internal inquiries to the TYPO3 Project and the Association are handled. Having done part of this job already since 2011, he starts this adventure with quite few insights.
Again, the Board warmly welcomes Peter as part of the body!
April 21 - 22: kick off meetings of Board and EAB with newly elected members
After the officialization of the elections, both Board and EAB had a kick off meeting with the new members. Few organizational stuff had to be taken into account, and some information had to be given to them. We are happy to have such engaged and motivated new T3A bodies members and are looking forward to great activities together.