Announcing TYPO3 CMS 7.2 - Continuous Excitement

Categories: Development Created by Benni Mack
The TYPO3 community is pleased to announce the latest version of the TYPO3 CMS project which serves as another intermediate step towards the final TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS which will be released in fall 2015.
It’s almost half-time on our way to the final release of version 7, the LTS which is scheduled for fall 2015 - read more about our agile release mode <link record:tt_news:1817 _blank>here. The overall goal for the CMS 7 development phase is targeted towards our vision of embracing the strengths the system offers while innovating into new areas to keep up with the current evolvement of the web. The focus for CMS 7 lies on making life easier for editors and integrators.
As for the target goals we set after the release of 7.1 two months ago, some features were not included in 7.2 yet as we promised to only get stable features. These changes will be merged shortly after the release into the master branch, ready to be working with the 7.3 release in June. Quite some gems of the planned features were finished and stable so they could go into CMS 7.2.

Image Cropping

Probably the most visible new feature is the ability to manipulate images within TYPO3. The editor can modify an uploaded image when inserting it into a content element. The editor can then select the part of the image that should be visible to the user with a simple user interface. All other logic like scaling is still applied to the image when outputting it on a website.

Separation of Content Elements / CSS Styled Content / Media CE

The Core with its required extensions now ships only the set of content elements that is necessary for a minimal setup. Everything else has been moved to CSS Styled Content or the new “Media Content” extension (extension name “mediace”). The latter should only be installed if existing “media” elements are located on a website. For the next release, some last changes are missing to finalize the new default set of content element shipped with the TYPO3 Core.

Routing / RealURL

After a fruitful discussion, routing is a large topic, and certainly a different approach than the current URL rewriting approach by RealURL and CoolURI. In order to get proper routing integrated, a future-proof way with a proper Request/Response concept is needed. The planning phase and concrete steps for this concept has been started already and wis based on the PHP-standard PSR-7. Some other prerequisites for the routing are already in place in the TYPO3 CMS Core, like a clean Request Handling foundation for all entry points in the core.

Flexible preview URLs

Along with our common goal to make editing easier and simpler an integrator can now add preview URLs for custom records too.
Even cooler - the integrator can also define the preview URL for content elements on sysfolder. So editors don’t have to re-think when switching between pages or content and custom records, save+view just gives them the instant preview.

Much more under the hood

The Form Engine has been tuned and has gained a new feature to show how many characters are left within a input field while typing. Improvements to the Indexed Search engine, a new Notification API, a unified Locking API, a redesigned Login Screen, and a new Request Handling foundation have been added to TYPO3 CMS.
Additionally, did we mention it is now quite easy to adapt the login screen to fit the company’s or project’s visual appearance?

Download and more information

You can download the latest TYPO3 CMS 7.2 from our <link>downloads page or via <link http:> For further details find the <link>“What’s new” slides for more details and our <link http: typo3_cms_7.2.0>wiki page which also includes the instructions for upgrading to TYPO3 CMS 7.2.

Outlook to the next release

The next CMS 7 release is scheduled for June, with all power on extension handling with a streamlined composer-based architecture. This way we pave the road for a better installation experience for extensions and 3rd party PHP libraries. This in return will make extension development easier and quicker because developers can finally make full use of the composer ecosystem (learn more <link http:>here and <link http:>here). The team is excited to get feedback from everyone using the system and can’t wait to give you more helpful tools for your daily work.