SECURITY-ISSUES-IN-SEVERAL-THIRD-PARTY-TYPO3-EXTENSIONS-INCLUDING-MM-FORUM-MM-FORUM: Security issues in several third party TYPO3 extensions including "mm_forum" (mm_forum)

Categories: Security Created by Helmut Hummel
A security vulnerabilities has been discovered in the third party TYPO3 extensions including mm_forum, brainstorming, ch_lightem, chsellector, educator, mk_wastebasket, mydashboard, nf_cleandb, pd_diocesedatabase, reports_logview, sav_filter_abc, sav_filter_selectors, sav_filter_months, sk_bookreview, sk_simplegallery, t3quixplorer, t3sec_saltedpw, taskcenter_recent, tgm_newsletter, tmsw_cleandb, travelmate, yatse

For further information on the issue in the extension "mm_forum" (mm_forum), please read the related advisory TYPO3-SA-2010-007 that was published


For further information on all CSB (Collective Security Bulletin) issues,
please read the related advisory TYPO3-SA-2010-006 that was published


In general the TYPO3 Security Team recommends to read the following pages: