• HTMLArea 1.0.0

    Categories: Development
    Created by News team

    Stanislas Roland has recently released version 1.0.0 of his Rich Text Editor extension

    Originally based on HTMLarea, Stanislas has added several new…

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  • TYPO3 3.8.1 released

    Categories: Development
    Created by Michael Stucki
    TYPO3 version 3.8.1 is ready for download. This is a maintenance release of the 3.8 branch and fixes a few security related issues.

    For further…
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  • Scalable Inman Flash Replacement

    Categories: Development
    Created by ben van 't ende (netcreators)
    TYPO3 implementation of Scalable Inman Flash Replacement, a method to insert rich typography into web pages without sacrificing accessibility, search engine friendliness, or markup semantics. In an email interview I recently had with Maximo Cuadros Ortiz, the author of the sIFR extension, he tells us a little bit about his work and motivation.
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  • Acronym Manager

    Categories: Development
    Created by Kai Laborenz
    Making a Web site accessible can be simple or complex, depending on many factors such as the type of content, the size and complexity of the site, and the development tools and environment. One common problem is to mark abbrevations, acronyms an foreign language terms - this could generate a massive amount of work when done manually on bigger sites.
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  • CSS styled IMGTEXT - Part3

    Categories: Development
    Created by Ernesto Baschny (cron IT)
    I just released version 0.4.0 of CSS Styled Image Text. For who don't know yet, this is a working CSS based implementation of the "Text with Image" and "Image" content types (from tt_content).
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  • Zap The Gremlins - let's zap'em!

    Categories: Development
    Created by Michael Stucki
    After many hours of preparation the "Zap the Gremlins" project team is now calling for the most nagging "Gremlins" (means:
    annoying issues, bugs).…
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  • Accessibility feature in htmlArea RTE 0.7.2

    Categories: Development
    Created by Sacha Vorbeck
    The new version of the htmlArea RTE 0.7.2 brings along a new accessibility-related feature, that makes it easier to differentiate between internal, external, download and mail links and those links opening in the same browser-window, a new browser window or a pop-up window.
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  • CSS styled IMGTEXT - Part2

    Categories: Development
    Created by ben van 't ende (netcreators)

    Ernesto Baschny just released a new version of the "cron_cssstyledimgtext" extention. This will allow you to render the "Text with image" and "Image"…

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  • Accessibility, accessibility, accessibility!!!!!

    Categories: Development
    Created by ben van 't ende (netcreators)
    Well we have had our fair share of dudes at TYCON who taught us how to behave while building the net and make everybody happy doing that. It is time to put things into practice, but what are we without any tools? From the guys that built www.greenpeace.de come two accessibility tools you WANT to use.
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  • Sacha Vorbeck @ TYCON3

    Categories: Development
    Created by ben van 't ende (netcreators)
    TYCON3 was held from september 8 - 11. Over 200 people attended the First International TYPO3 Conference. It was great to see that both accessibility…
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