TYPO3 Association Memberships

Members of the TYPO3 Association support the development of TYPO3 CMS and take part in shaping the future of your favorite CMS.

Being a member is both a statement of support for TYPO3 and your ticket to participate in and vote at the annual General Assembly and other decision-making processes.

Logo TYPO3 community membership


The No-Frills Membership

Personal membership should not be limited by personal economy or exchange rates. It should be the individual's engagement for the CMS that counts.

€ 0 once + € 7.92/ year

Sign up
Logo bronze membership


For Freelancers

The Bronze membership is the option for freelancers offering TYPO3 services to customers, or individuals using TYPO3 regularly.

€ 100 once + € 125 / year

Sign up


Small Businesses

The membership for small companies providing TYPO3 services or use TYPO3 as an end-user on a regular basis.

€ 500 once + € 1.000 / year

Sign up
TYPO3 Association gold membership

Gold member


Mid-sized companies providing TYPO3 services or using TYPO3 on a regular basis should consider the Gold Level membership.

€ 500 once + € 2.750/year

Sign up
Logo TYPO3 Platinum membership



Companies doing little else than TYPO3 services, or who have made great savings by choosing CMS with no license costs, should become Platinum members.

€ 500 once + € 12.500/year

Sign up
TYPO3 Association Academic memberships


Universities, Research Institutions, and Colleges

Special Bronze, Silver and Gold memberships are available for academic institutions at reduced prices. Membership also include voting rights in the Academic Committee and reduced rates on TYPO3 University Day tickets.

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Membership Badges

   As a member of the TYPO3 Association, you are allowed to use the membership badge for your membership.

 Membership Badges

Membership Types







Fund the development of TYPO3






Discounts on certifications, conferences, and events 1






Vote at the General Assembly






Preview and discuss the Association's budget






Membership listing2






Number of event vouchers 4, 6



Number of certification vouchers5 

Amount of certification and event discount 5






Rotating banner on typo3.org with link to your website






Personal Association Board member contact






Press release at typo3.org announcing your membership






One-time registration fee






Annual fee







1 Bronze members can only purchase a single discounted TYPO3 Association member ticket per year. Higher membership levels (Silver and up) have no limit to the number of tickets that can be purchased for an event.
2 Membership listing with a link to your web site only with levels silver, gold or platinum.
4 Voucher for the following events: TYPO3 Developer Days & TYPO3 Conference.
5 Integrator (TCCI), Developer (TCCD), Editor (TCCE), and Consultant (TCCC) 
6 The number of vouchers are given per one-year membership period, i.e. once per annual membership renewal.