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TYPO3 Developer Days

Karlsruhe, Germany

We are so excited to meet everyone again in Karlsruhe this year!

We hope you're as excited as we are and that you'll be able to join us for a few days of great networking, learning, and sharing.

Share the knowledge!

The best way to learn is by doing, and there is no better place to do it than on Developer Days. So when you arrive, make sure you are ready to learn or teach. If you are interested in sharing what you’ve got, the best way would be by organizing a talk, discussion, or even a workshop.


Don’t forget to get your ticket in time, and maybe even catch an Early Bird! 

We are available to answer any additional questions you have, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Are you getting excited yet? We are!!!


We understand that sometimes you just want to stay on-site, so we are happy to offer a limited contingent of overnight stays at the location. 

If you'd need one, book early—we have less then 100 rooms available, meaning our contingents are limited. We will inform you about further hotel accommodations when our contingents are exhausted.

Let's make these DevDays even better than the last ones.

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