TYPO3 v11 LTS - Relaease Party Leipzig

Leipzig, Germany

We will watch the announced stream by Matthias Schreiber together t3onlinedays.typo3.com/events-program/sessions/the-official-typo3-v11-lts-release-party-319 and take a look at the new TYPO3 version. Maybe some of you already have experience with version 11.

Date: Tuesday
Time: 19:00
Place: Basislager Coworking, Peterssteinweg 14, 04107 Leipzig

Attention! The following Corona rules currently apply at Basislager Leipzig:
- 10 people in the room (or we recommend no more than 15).
- Vaccinated and recovered people do NOT count (control lies with the Meetup host)
- Mask if spacing cannot be maintained sufficiently and when walking around the room (toilets, etc.)
- All participants should register via app or with contact details (we will provide appropriate templates with QR code)
- make sure there is sufficient ventilation

Therefore, it would be good if you would include your vaccination status and use the Luca or Covid app on site.

What should you bring?
Drinks can be purchased on site through a trusted cashier. We will also order pizza. Please let us know in good time in the Slack channel typo3.slack.com/messages/C2YMMDZAM if you would like to order something.

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