The Accessibility Team

Our Mission

We help to improve and maintain the accessibility in TYPO3.

To enable sharing information with everyone, we need to ensure accessibility of the content and the editing interface. Therefore the team members share their accessibility expertise with all TYPO3 developers. We always welcome supporters of an accessible TYPO3. You can support us by providing your expertise, but also asking questions on the topic of accessibility in one of our monthly Accessibility hour helps. If you are developing your own extension or contribute to the core, feel free to get in contact to ensure accessibility of the results.

How can you meet us?

You can contact us in the TYPO3 slack channel #accessibility. That is also where we meet once a month (on the third Thursday of the month) to discuss accessibility topics in the TYPO3 Accessibility Hour.

Workshop on accessible TYPO3 websites

Michael is going to hold a workshop "Creating accessible websites with TYPO3" as part of an online conference on accessible Websites. The conference language is German.

It is part of a two day conference with 7 talks on the topic of accessibility on the first day and multiple workshops on the second day. For more information about this event, please visit the organizer's website at

Michael Telgkamp
Team Lead, Germany

Why is accessibility important

Accessibility is an essential part of an inclusive user experience. Improving accessibility by removing barriers will simplify the usage of TYPO3 for everyone.

Support Editors

To support editors, information on accessibility issues should be given on editing elements. We could highlight missing alternative texts for images. Additionally helping information on how to write a good alternative text can be given. Editors need to be aware of accessibility. Then should be guided in creating accessible webcontent.

The Backend accessibility

The user interface of the authoring tool is not accessible yet. Firstly we set a focus on keyboard interaction. In addition the layout and the design as well as a consistent usage of interactive elements needs to be in focus.

Accessible Frontend

The frontend is the most important part for the audience of a website. Delivering an accessible frontend is already possible with TYPO3. However we still want to improve and update the default rendering.