Routing / Speaking URLs for TYPO3


TYPO3 should support “speaking urls” / “routes” out of the box without the necessity of using a third-party extension like RealURL or CoolURI. Additionally there should be an API to generate links to routes independent of the current context (for example frontend vs. backend link generation).


Provide an out-of-the-box routing solution for TYPO3 without the need to use third-party providers.


We split the topic into three main parts:

  1. Site Handling: Resolving entry points and corresponding configuration (for example site specific error handlers or language configuration) [DONE]
  2. URL Generation and Resolution for Pages: Being able to generate and use routes for pages [DONE]
  3. URL modifiers for generating routes for extensions: Offering a solution for third party implementations to add their own routing configuration on top of the page generation and resolving of additional options like typeNum [DONE]
Image about timing (calendar)


Target for milestone of this initiative is TYPO3 v9 LTS.


  • Routing in TYPO3
  • First step only for pages

Current Status

TYPO3 9.5 comes with page routing out-of-the-box and a configurable and flexible solution for extension routing. If you are willing to help develop, join us!

Get involved!


Benni Mack (Lead)

Oliver Hader

Susanne Moog
