GDPR Initiative


The GDPR Initiative aims to make the TYPO3 core itself ready for the GDPR and to provide clients, agencies and integrators with tools to optimize their own extensions to comply with the privacy laws.

The following stakeholders need to be covered:

  • TYPO3 core itself
  • Website owner
  • Developers
  • Integrators



  • Make TYPO3 itself comply to the GDPR
  • Provide marketing material
  • Provide technical documentation

Enable website owners to be GDPR compliant

  • As a website owner I want to be able to remove all personal data collected for a person.
  • As a website owner I want to be able to extract all personal data collected for a person.
  • As a website owner I want to be able to randomize all personal data collected for a person.
  • As a website owner I want my data privacy guideline to be automatically created based on my current API configuration.
  • As a website owner I want to know who has access to the data
  • As a website owner I want to be able to decide on a per-user basis which backend user can see, access, randomize, export or release personalized data.

Empower developers to create GDPR compliant extensions

  • As a developer I want to be able to pipe my persistence through a dedicated API that can be configured to follow GDPR rules

Enable integrators to configure extensions to be GDPR compliant

  • As an integrator I want to be able to configure each API usage to fit my current requirements.
  • Keep an eye on each feature added if it complies to the GDPR
Image about timing (calendar)


  • Short term must be released before 25th May 2018
  • Mid term: End of year

Current Status

Initial goals were formulated and all places have been identified which need to be covered within short term.

The mid term solution is currently provided by a 3rd party extension which can be found at

For issues see

Get involved!


Georg Ringer (Lead)

Kai Ole Hartwig

Ingo Schmitt
