On November 8th we had a dedicated review day, to shorten the review queue as much as possible. This worked out great, and we had 25 changes merged on the 8th.
After this good start, some more things happened…
TYPO3 Neos
The codebase and documentation now refer to the new name Neos instead of the grown mix of Phoenix and 5.0. The renaming of all the git repositories, forge projects, … is still on <link https: notes.typo3.org p renaming-technical-todo>the todo list for all the various projects affected by the rebranding announced at T3CON12.
The Neos (and Flow) <link http: forge.typo3.org boards topics>budget <link http: forge.typo3.org boards topics>applications were amended with some more information on how we work and what is included in the budgets applied for.
TYPO3 Flow
The Flow documentation was updated a bit with respect to the changes caused by the Composer integration and the PSR-0 support. On the trail of those changes <link http: blog.k-fish.de menage-trois-typo3-flow-phpunit-composer.html>using PHPUnit installed via Composer needed some attention.
Role handling was reworked by Karsten for the next Flow release, based on a change that has it's roots back in April and was started by Rens. It should massively reduce the memory usage and time needed, the more you use roles, the higher the gain will be. Thanks to Beech IT for sponsoring a part of the work needed!
Another part that will be completely new in Flow 2.0 is a session handler that does no longer rely on the native session handling functions of PHP. Not only does this allow for new possibilities - it also solves any headache you might have because of the <link http: www.slideshare.net defconrussia reutov-yunusov-nagibin-random-numbers-take-ii>insecure session id generation used in PHP.
The End
All in all November was scaringly quiet when it comes to Neos and Flow. Not that the people on the team went to hibernate already, on the contrary - everyone was extremely busy. Most clients need extra care towards the end of the year, and those in the team that were paid to varying degrees by the TYPO3 Association this year are currently getting back to (more) freelancing, as next year's budget is less clear than it ever was.
At the end of November we scheduled another review day for December 3rd, which was stalled due to typo3.org being down, affecting the SSO to the review and forge servers. Still, we hope to be able to tackle the most important reviews this week and release Flow 2.0 as well as a new alpha of Neos in December…