The review day we had planned for beginning of December was undermined by server issues and not being able to log in to Forge and Gerrit - still, TYPO3 Neos 1.0 alpha 2 and Flow 2.0 beta 1 were released before Christmas. We hope you enjoyed the presents!
TYPO3 Neos
Christian worked on some menu rendering improvements, Bastian adjusted a number of packages to recet Fluid changes, Mattias provided a large number of bug fixes - and everyone did his share of code reviews. The vastly improved codebase of Neos was then released as 1.0 alpha 2, together with an updated website.
Quite some work also went into a (yet to be merged) site management module to enable easy use of the built-on multi-site capabilities of Neos.
The meeting between the Neos team and others in the TYPO3 project that caused some disturbances (again) before it even happened was a nice one in the end. Members of the CMS, Extbase, Design, Server, QA, Flow and Neos teams were present, as well as our community manager Ben van't Ende. If you are interested in the topics discussed, <link http:>the meeting was recorded.
TYPO3 Flow
Christian worked on a standalone TypoScript renderer. Bastian worked on some routing improvements for the next release after 2.0 and some more bug fixes. Christopher further worked on the Single Sign-On implementation as well as signed requests for REST authentication. Robert further tweaked the new session handling in Flow.
Everyone did a number of reviews and when all blockers were merged, Karsten's work on updating the release process to the changes brought by using composer paid off with the release of 2.0 beta 1.
The End
December was even more quiet than November, which is not really suprising with the apocalypse and other festivities going on. For January 2013 we have a Neos code sprint date fixed and are eager to further work on the 2.0 release of Flow as well. Stay tuned!