T3Rookies Summer Camp 2016
During this year’s summer camp T3Rookies build a website for Romanian orphanage. The organisation is currently planning the TYPO3 Summer Camp 2016!
What is the Summer Camp?
The goal of a T3Rookies Summer Camp is the organisation of an exchange program between companies from different countries, so young TYPO3 students can live and learn TYPO3. We will send 4 T3Rookies to a TYPO3 company somewhere in Europe. For the duration of the exchange (5 working days) the rookies will work on a social project or a community project.What happened last year
The Rookies set up a TYPO3 website for a Romanian orphanage in Hungarian and Romanian language during the first T3Rookies Summer Camp. The project was called “Kids helping kids”. All participating Rookies sent to Cluj came from Germany and had no knowledge whatsoever about aforementioned languages. The Arxia team in Cluj supported the Rookies during the whole week. Besides working on the website the crew also took them sightseeing and socializing. Whilst 4 rookies visited Romania, one Rookie from Romania came over to Cologne and worked on a TYPO3 Community Extension at PHTH. The TYPO3 User Group Cologne made the Rookie feel at home and filled the evening schedule with something different and entertaining for each evening. The plan for 2016 is to make the exchange a bit more equally spread among countries and let the T3Rookies Summer Camp 2016 be a truly international one.You can contribute!
The organisation is looking for companies who want to be part of the project. As a company you will be mentioned in almost all T3Rookie communication. It is an excellent opportunity to support the new generation TYPO3 needs to be sustainable for many years to come.Who can participate?
- Young TYPO3 people (ages 16 to 25).
- Some TYPO3 knowledge (preferably also HTML, CSS, JS) and currently in apprenticeship, on trainings, students, pupils…
- Registered on the T3Rookies website http://t3rookies.net
Until now the following locations are secured for 2016- Cluj, Romania sponsored by Arxia
- Malmö, Sweden sponsored by Pixelant
- Wiesbaden, Germany sponsored by AOE

The organisation is currently acquiring funding. T3Rookies very much dependent on your sponsorship. The basic costs for each attendee are quite low and around 300 euro’s. That amount should take care of travel, food and beverages. T3Rookies will take care of Hotel/Hostel costs. For attendees, or rather supporting company, that cannot afford any of the costs involved they try to find and allocate the budget to allow participation. Let the organisation know if any additional funds are required to make your T3Rookies journey happen.If you are interested in taking part in this project?—?as a Rookie or as a company?—?please let us know.
User Group Greece
The TYPO3 community has a new kid on the block. The TYPO3 User Group Greece. Here is what they have to say about their entrance into the world of TYPO3.
Bootup days
The TYPO3 Contribution Bootup Days have taken some real interest in Italy, India and the Netherlands. Originally an initiative from Swiss TYPO3 company Cabag, the bootup days provide insight into collaboration processes contributing to the development of TYPO3. Livia Scapin of Cabag lets us know she is really happy that the idea is spreading! They organised a third bootup day on the 15th of March and have not planned another bootup day for the near future, but might hold some more in 2017. In the meantime Dutch company MaxServ has organised two bootup days and is planning one for September of this year. A bootup day is also planned at the Italian TYPO3 conference September 16–17). Sanjay Chauhan of the Indian TYPO3 User Group organised two bootup days, one in February and one in April.
TYPO3 in Hindi
The iTUG team is working on the translation of TYPO3 in the Hindi Language in cooperation with the translation team. The team appeals to all Indian/Asian TYPO3 enthusiasts to join the effort and add one more language and support globalisation & internationalisation of TYPO3.
Updated TYPO3 manuals
The documentation team provides support, tooling and writes and maintains documentation. Francois Suter has been a prominent member of that documentation team, but is not active in the team as such anymore. Francois has however been focusing on updating manuals, which was much needed, with the rapid change TYPO3 is undergoing. Francois reports on the progress he achieved with the manuals: Since the beginning of the year, I have been working on several TYPO3 manuals, supported by a budget from the TYPO3 Association. My main goal was to update all existing tutorials. There are currently four manuals that provide a solid basis to get to know TYPO3: Getting Started (for the first steps in the TYPO3 universe), Editors (explaining mostly how to work with pages and content elements), TypoScript in 45 Minutes (brief introduction to TypoScript and its purpose) and Templating: Basics (first template, entirely TypoScript-based). All these are updated now. I have also taken care to remove redundancies between these manuals, which not only makes for a more pleasant reading, but also reduces the maintenance of such manuals.
- Getting Started:https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/GettingStartedTutorial
- Editors: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/EditorsTutorial
- TypoScript in 45 Minutes:https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptIn45MinutesTutorial
- Templating: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TemplatingTutorial
- TypoScript Syntax:https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptSyntaxReference
- Inside TYPO3: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/InsideTypo3Reference
Focus on accessibility
Kestin Finke reports on the accessibility workgroup that was formed at this year’s user experience week. Accessibility is a new area of attention for TYPO3 CMS. To support accessibility we formed an accessibility workgroup at T3UXW16. The goal is to make it easy to get WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0-compliant output with TYPO3 CMS and to raise awareness for this theme. Accessibility is crucial for a website meeting the needs of individuals, organizations, and governments internationally. It is an inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by people with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, all users have equal access to information and functionality. In many countries public authorities are even forced to work by the rules of WCAG 2.0. Although it is already possible to get accessible output from TYPO3 CMS, most websites that are built with TYPO3 CMS or any other CMS are not fully accessible. Accessibility is a broad theme. It covers design, generated sources and the way content is integrated. So not only core-developers, but also designers, integrators, extension developers and editors have to consider the rules. Some rules can be checked by technically means, others have to be checked manually. The workgroup intends to provide hints, checks and information that help involved people on all levels to do their working in line with the rules of accessibility. We will implement different tools to reach this goal. One approach is to implement several backend checks for the editor directly while creating or editing content. The checks will have similar behaviour as validation, but will never force anything. The tests will only give hints and help. A frontend-checker is in the works that will check all the generated output in a backend-module. This frontend-checker will check all WCAG 2.0 rules and give hints about violations, likely problems and possible problems. The user will get a result and have the possibility to correct all found issues. For each page a result of all test cases will be provided. The result will be the total of all content elements on the page, the page properties, the tests covering multiple records and the frontend tests. Based on that result a progress bar will be shown on top of the page module, showing how many tests have passed percentage-wise. TYPO3 CMS will provide the described tests for core functionality based on an API. Extension developers can use this API to provide their own tests for custom fields. You can expect all this exciting stuff to be ready and released with TYPO3 CMS 8 LTS.Contact the team
Patrick Broens will develop the checks and backend module. Abramo Tesoro will lead the workgroup accessibility. If you have questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you want to collaborate in our workgroup you are more than welcome. Kerstin FinkeE-mail: info(at)kerstin-finke.de
Twitter: @KerstinFinke Abramo Tesoro
E-mail: tesoro(at)archicoop.it
Twitter: @abramoteso This Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by <link http: maxserv.com>MaxServ. Originally published on Medium: <link https: typo3.community>typo3.community/this-week-in-typo3-2016-week-20-452014360c47 Thanks everyone contributing to This Week in TYPO3. If you have any input for This Week or anything else on the TYPO3 community, just shoot me a DM on Twitter <link http: twitter.com benvantende>@benvantende.