Other goals/tasks:
- Additional work on the launch bar
- Speed improvement
- Inclusion in modules
- Simple locale (internationalization) ui handling
- Improvement of error page handling / logged out handling
- Add possibility to move nodes between levels
- Rens, Henri and possibly Mattias will work on integrating createjs (<link http: www.createjs.org>www.createjs.org) as part of the IKS project
- Add a enable fields equivalent for domain models that aren't nodes
- Finish wireframe template
- Finish content migration
- Finish node access restriction
- Add possibility to change node path
- Users / user groups management
Participants (15):
- Aske Aertman
- Christian Mueller
- Christian Julle Jensen
- Robert Lemke
- Bastian Waidelich
- Rens Admiraal
- Henri Bergius
- Marc Neuhaus
- Karsten Dambekalns
- Andreas Foerthner
- Sebastian Kurfürst
- Markus Goldbeck
- Berit Hlubek
- Christopher Hlubek
- Ben van 't Ende

Locations/rooms and coffee is are sponsored by Prosa (<link http: www.prosa.dk>www.prosa.dk) and MOC (<link http: www.moc.net>www.moc.net). MOC also sponsors a grill night friday evening and the espresso machine at the boathouse. We encourage you to sponsor some lunch, pizza or other ideas that come to mind to keep the team happily developing for Phoenix. Please contact our community manager <link>ben.vantende@typo3.org if you want to contribute. We will make sure you get your exposure.- Lunchs: 7 x 150€
- Dinners: 5 x 300€
- Bike rental: 13 x 50€ (Dont know if everybody wants a bike)
- Accomodation: 2000€ (or 154€/attendant)
There is a dedicated WIKI page for the code sprint: <link http: wiki.typo3.org phoenixmeetingseptember2012>wiki.typo3.org/PhoenixMeetingSeptember2012.
Sponsors (August 30)
<link http: www.moc.net>