During the month of June TYPO3 has been visiting Madrid, while its community was involved in voting on the Neos budget and on exchanging thank you notes.
June 16: TYPO3 at OpenExpo Day in Madrid

The OpenExpo Day is an annual event, which has become the most important for getting a state of the art overview of Open Source market and solutions. With the support of the TYPO3 Association, the Spanish community members didn't want to lose this great opportunity to spread the word about TYPO3. For this reason, <link https: twitter.com jaguerra _blank>José Antonio Guerra and <link https: twitter.com cllanosz _blank>Carlos Llanos have been there for us. Let's see what their report is like.
So, Carlos and José, how did you represent TYPO3 in Madrid?
"We prepared an introductory workshop focused on the most "painful" problems TYPO3 solves for both developers and content editors, giving also insights on the TYPO3 Association and project, and the kind of projects where TYPO3 makes a difference."
How did the audience perceive TYPO3 as product?
"The workshop was a success. We had our room full of developers and marketing professionals who finished the session really impressed about the TYPO3 capabilities, stability, and power. Most of the developers had been working with different CMSs and they realized how TYPO3 can make a difference on several key aspects such as updating, security issues, performance, and flexibility."
What is your wish for the future?
"We really hope that our presence there could increase the popularity of TYPO3 in Spain, and hopefully to have more Spanish members at any of the upcoming events of the TYPO3 community."
If you would like to know more about the OpenExpo event in Madrid, visit its <link http: www.openexpo.es _blank>website.
June 25: #T3THX - The behind the scene of being a TYPO3 Association Member
We have asked our Platinum Members what they are thankful to the TYPO3 Association for, collected their answers, and published them in an <link http: typo3.org news article t3thx-the-behind-the-scene-of-being-a-typo3-association-member _blank>article. The Platinum Members, as well as all the others members, are crucial for the support to the TYPO3 project, and we wanted to thank them back through daily postings on Twitter with the hashtag
#T3THX. Follow this hashtag to know more, and feel free to use it anytime you need to thank someone within the TYPO3 Community.
June 26: TYPO3.org sprint
As we wrote in our last diary, we moved the content of the T3A website to typo3.org. Our aim is to provide all relevant information for the TYPO3 project on one single location. A missing piece is still the membership listing. A sneak <link http: typo3.org _blank>preview is available but the listing still needs some CSS love. We are happy that we are on the right track, and we are confident that we will be able to present a final version soon.
June 30: Closing of the Member Poll regarding the Neos split
The TYPO3 Association, in the process of negotiating details on the separation of the Neos project from the TYPO3 Community, has asked its members to express their opinion on three key points. The image below outlines the three key points as well as the <link https: voting.typo3.org election member-poll-regarding-the-neos-split showresults _blank>voting results.

The Expert Advisory Board and the T3A Board will decide upon the members vote on the next actions to be taken. The members' votes and the final decisions will be published soon.
Become a member now!
If you are not a TYPO3 Association member yet and would like to become one, please visit our <link https: typo3-association.myshopify.com collections memberships _blank>online shop to purchase your membership. If you wish to upgrade your affiliation level instead, be in contact with the back office, they are always happy to help you.
Follow <link https: twitter.com typo3assoc _blank>@TYPO3Assoc on Twitter.