The file abstraction layer is one of the most anticipated features for TYPO3: Read about the current state of development, schedule and future.
The file abstraction layer is one of the most anticipated features for TYPO3 in the last few years. For one and a half year TYPO3 developers worked on a concept for file abstraction. Since the first code sprint in November 2010 in Düsseldorf a lot has happened.An enthusiastic team started to integrate them. As a result, a general file abstraction API has been created, which serves as abase for all future file related developments.
This is especially important for extensions like DAM (Digital Asset Management)that can then rely on a file abstraction that is part of the core and because of that fully integrated throughout it.
The current state of the project is a stable file abstraction layer API which is used in the dedicated Incubator branch already. During collaborative reviewing of these base components at the TYPO3 Snowboard Tour 2012 new challengeswith "special case scenarios" like full workspace integration, or combining FAL with the existing media handling came to light.
Since a fundamental principle of the TYPO3 Core is to be completely stable and reliable the Release Team decided to postpone the delivery of FAL to the next major release. Large projects will benefit from a smooth and more flexible migration path when dealing with a lot of files. We also want to ensure thatupgrade wizards work flawlessly, when upgrading from a previous version with usage of DAM or other media related extensions.
As this project - like every TYPO3 project - is a community development, we need you to help to make it happen. We will release TYPO3 4.7 beta1 tonight, meaning after the release no new features will be integrated for version 4.7.
As we don't want to stall development on FAL, 4.7 will be branched directly after the release. This means that master as of tonight will be dedicated to the next major release.
We will merge the FAL API to the new master then and everyone of you is invited to check it out, test the features, report problems or wishes and help to develop the next great TYPO3 feature. The File Abstraction Layer API itself is really awesome and fun to use. It would be fantastic if you could test some "real life scenarios" like your company or a customer web site.
However, the general focus of the v4 development will be on stabilizing TYPO3version 4.7 until the final release which is scheduled for April 24th 2012.
For questions, problems, comments and rants feel free to contact us via the TYPO3 core mailing list.