Apply now for Google Summer of Code with TYPO3

Categories: Development Created by Ingo Renenr
Student application for Google Summer of Code is now open.
Yesterday evening <link http: students-apply-now-for-google-summer-of.html>Google opened the student application phase for Google Summer of Code 2010. Students can now start <link http: gsoc student apply google gsoc2010>handing in applications for projects they want to work on during the summer. At TYPO3, you can find a <link http: development gsoc2010 ideas>list of project ideas our community has come up with. It's also worth re-checking the ideas page as some additions have been made since we created those pages for this years Google Summer of Code. It's also a good idea to start getting in touch with <link http: development gsoc2010 mentors>potential mentors to discuss your ideas as they're going to review the student applications once the application phase ends. If you don't know who could be a mentor for your idea, you're welcome to <link http: cgi-bin mailman listinfo typo3-gsoc>ask at the GSoC mailing list we have set up for that. For anyone from our community: It's not too late yet to propose new ideas or to apply to become a mentor yourself. GSoC is a great way to get important projects done over the summer and attract new contributors. Please help to make this Summer of Code even better than the last one!