New TYPO3 Maintenance Releases / Last TYPO3 CMS 6.2 Release

Categories: Development Created by Benni Mack
The TYPO3 community just released maintenance releases for all LTS versions. Today also marks the last public release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2. New maintenance releases for TYPO3 v8 LTS, TYPO3 v7 LTS and TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS are available for download.

End of Life for TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS

TYPO3 CMS 6.2, originally released in April 2014, gets its last maintenance release (6.2.31), and is now officially unsupported by the TYPO3 Core Team. TYPO3 CMS 6.2 is the second Long-Term-Support version the TYPO3 community has provided (after version 4.5) and was a huge foundation and bridge for updates from TYPO3 4.x to TYPO3 6. It delivered a stable version for the introduced features like the File Abstraction Layer, a big overhaul within workspaces, import/export as well as improvements in performance, due to the initiative of the so-called “Work Packages”. 6.2 is indeed the last breed of its kind, as Ernesto Baschny was the last release manager. After this release no release managers for certain versions were assigned anymore for new TYPO3 7.x releases. 6.2 is also the last version with the traditional backend styles before the drastic UX redesign originally driven by Felix Kopp that was introduced during the TYPO3 v7 releases. Big thanks for everybody involved and especially to Ernesto, for his super-powers during a long, extensive and exhaustive release which served as the basis for all the work we’ve done in the last three years. If you are running TYPO3 CMS 6.2 and are not able to update to TYPO3 v7 or v8 (yet), we’d like to point you to a special “<link https: our-services extended-support>Extended LTS” service provided by TYPO3 GmbH. Like already provided for version 4.5, it is possible to get further support for the TYPO3 6.2 core for up to two years.

Download now

Find the packages under <link> or get them via <link https:> More details on the releases: Side-note: Due to an incomplete Git tag, version 7.6.18 had to be packaged as drop-in replacement for version 7.6.17. MD5 checksums
de09600286499411fbd3ac746983e514 typo3_src-6.2.31.tar.gz
3903bc3b217a2520bcd44da58d58ace6 typo3_src-7.6.18.tar.gz
493ec5f93014f129d45a30bec8b475d8 typo3_src-8.7.1.tar.gz
 SHA256 checksums
f4f8c16f0ea68ad04da35ae57e22f44e1db1528c7cb213978bffba7384f75d2b typo3_src-6.2.31.tar.gz
7c411c7ac32ff1053428e6741074ecca818a5b9623166124100548c673a4c109 typo3_src-7.6.18.tar.gz
4035dcbfdf611a425ed15be8c46fa4722020b442ee17f9c0bba2d8bcf6649815 typo3_src-8.7.1.tar.gz