
CHC Forum CHC Forum

chc_forum / beta

A discussion board with some mailing list features. Requires typo3 v. 3.6.0.

Last upload comment

SECURITY UPGRADE: resolved mysql injection issue, added TS property for enabling or disbaling htmlentities on posts, fixed bug where mailer mailed deleted users,

Downloads by month

Download 1.4.5 Extension Manual
Zach Davis
City University of New York Honors College
Last update
01. May 2006
First upload
08. Feb 2005
Frontend Plugins


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
1.4.5 / beta
May 01, 2006
SECURITY UPGRADE: resolved mysql injection issue, added TS property for enabling or disbaling htmlentities on posts, fixed bug where mailer mailed deleted users,
1.4.4 / beta
December 12, 2005
Fixed: 0001972: Forum crash after click on [New Posts]; Fixed: 0001790: xhtml validation errors (misplaced semicolon in header template); Fixed: 0001805: International characters overridden in _LOCAL_LANG are displayed incorrectly; Fixed: 0001860: Umlauts
3.6.21 - 0.0.20 not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.3 / beta
November 21, 2005
Fixed bug in duplicate post prevention check that blocked anonymous users (not-logged-in users) from posting.
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.2 / beta
November 05, 2005
Note: in versions prior to this version there is a vulnerability that makes javascript injection possible. Please upgrade to 1.4.2 immediately to fix this vulnerability. CHANGES: Fixed bug where link to new posts would not display posts; fixed problems wi
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.1 / beta
October 22, 2005

not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.4.0 / beta
October 22, 2005
fixed all major performance bottlenecks, forum tested with 10,000+ posts, numerous bug fixes, html / css templates updated, user permission bugs fixed, additional bugs from bugtracker fixed. Be sure to clear the cache and to update your forum styles if ne
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.3.5 / beta
September 07, 2005

not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.3.0 / beta
May 31, 2005
cwt_community integration makes buddy list, user list, and private messaging possible. Update manual explaining integration is coming shortly (in the meantime, try installing cwt_community and enabling integration in the chc_forum flexform. Setup should b
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.2.5 / beta
April 19, 2005

not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.2.0 / beta
April 02, 2005
Post ratings, moderators can hide and unhide posts and threads, conferences can be set to hide new posts until approved by moderator, compatible with nested fegroups, fixed probem where new threads were sometimes not properly created in the DB, fixed vari
not available
due to vulnerabilities
1.1.7 / beta
February 08, 2005
repaired clean forum DB bug
not available
due to vulnerabilities