Supporting Events through Risk Backup

Categories: Association Created by EAB / Jonas Felix
We are happy to announce that we will take a further step to support TYPO3 events within the community. It is one of our primary targets to support events and help the community, inspiring others to share. Besides the regular official TYPO3 happenings there are also very important small events all over the world. Those are mostly organized and completely financed by volunteers and sponsors, which usually works very well. Organizing an event always comprises a certain risk, a risk which is not always easy for a an individual or single organisation to assume. This issue came to our attention last year. Therefore we have decided to "lend a helping hand" and to provide risk coverage to enable people to organize TYPO3 community events. With this risk coverage we would like to encourage people to organize TYPO3 events all around the world and thus support and build an even stronger TYPO3 community. This risk coverage budget has already been approved at the GA last week, so anyone who has a need for it can get in touch with us throughout the whole year. You can do so by writing a mail to <link>