The inside story - weeks 20+21

Categories: Association Created by Dominic Brander

Zap the Gremlins? Semi-Automatic Conversation?
This sounds like great fun! As far as I have heard the people had some fun in the "Research and Development Workshop" - but most of all they brought back very fruitful visions and missions! Wondering what it is about?

3.8/3.7.1/2.0 - not my vital statistics!

  • TYPO3 3.8 is available - thanks to all the hard-working people!
  • Simultanously the update for 3.7 namely 3.7.1 has been released.
  • Currently Robert is working on TER 2.0 to improve performance on and to make sure the TER is ready for the future. Future? For more information see above!

You want more numbers?

Stay tuned!