
Easylogin Easylogin

easylogin2 / beta

Followup of dix_easylogin for TYPO3 7LTS. Use Authentication from facebook, Xing, Google, etc. (everything that uses OAuth or OpenID)

This version supports TYPO3

Older versions also support TYPO3

Last upload comment

- commented in a require statement that was accidentially commented out
- adapted the profile configuration for google
- added a signal slot afterUserCreate (DixeasyloginController.php line 318)
- throw an error if registration with the sam

Downloads by month

Download 0.10.0
Markus Kappe
Last update
14. Jul 2017
First upload
08. Jan 2016
Frontend Plugins
  • TYPO3 (7.6.0 - 7.6.99)


  1. Download ZIP file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the ZIP file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.
  1. Download T3X file
  2. Log into your TYPO3 backend
  3. Go to Extension Manager module
  4. Press the upload button on the top bar
  5. Select the T3X file and upload it. If you want to overwrite an existing extension installation, activate the checkbox.

Version history

Version Upload comment Works with TYPO3 Download
0.10.0 / beta
July 14, 2017
- commented in a require statement that was accidentially commented out
- adapted the profile configuration for google
- added a signal slot afterUserCreate (DixeasyloginController.php line 318)
- throw an error if registration with the sam
7.6.0 - 7.6.99 Download
0.9.6 / beta
January 08, 2016
Initial upload. Followup of dix_easylogin, just for TYPO3 7.6 LTS. Manual is still missing, but have a look at the constants in the meantime to get an idea of how to configure easylogin2. Reading the manual of dix_easylogin may also help.
7.6.0 - 7.6.99 Download