Second TYPO3Camp in Poland and why you cannot miss it next year

Categories: Community Created by Agata Pi?niak
The second TYPO3Camp in Poland took place on November 21 - 22 at the School of Humanities and Journalism in Pozna?. Agata Pi?niak, office manager at Macopedia, writes about the event.


After the big success of our first event we decided to organize a next one and make it a tradition in Poland, because there is no such place in this country, where the Polish TYPO3 Community can meet, exchange their experience and share new ideas. We were very happy that two companies from Germany volunteered to become gold sponsors of our conference. Thanks to <link https: pages>dkd Hosted Solr and <link https:>Sitegeist we could host our participants properly and organize everything easily. We also had a big support from Polish company <link http:>SourceBroker, which became a silver sponsor and their whole team signed up for the conference. It was October and we were selling tickets mostly for the people who were also attending our Camp the year before. This time we managed to engage more students and a professor from universities. We cooperated with <link http:>WSNHiD (School of Humanities and Journalism), which provided an excellent location for our conference. Like last year's conference this one was organized under patronage of the <link http:>TYPO3 Association and honorary patronage of Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Administration and Digitization. Moreover Polish websites and magazines offered support to spread the word about the event so that we could reach to more enthusiasts of free software. We wanted to invite as many international guests as possible. We succeed in that. In the end the agenda looked very interesting. Few more problems to solve, few more things to arrange, few more marketing materials to print and we were ready to go. Ready Steady Go!

Day 1

We managed to invite a lot of special guests including representatives from TYPO3 Association. After the opening and special thanks to the sponsors, Ben van 't Ende gave an inspiring keynote about changes inside the community. He described in details his role as an TYPO3 Community Manager. During his speech, Ben asked everyone to gather together and took a picture of us! It will be an unique souvenir. Next presentations were given by members from <link http: en>Macopedia Team. Krzysztof Adamczyk talked about helpful tools to use in TYPO3 support and then Zbigniew Jacko presented Fluid Powered TYPO3. Marcin Rudzki from <link https:>Oktawave showed the advantages of their innovative cloud. It is worth mentioning that Oktawave sponsored individual vouchers for all participants for their hosting services. Olivier Dobberkau and Søren Schaffstein gave presentations about very interesting tools and solutions: Hosted Solr and Indoctrinatr which is a PDF generation service. Krystian Szymukowicz talked about Scheduler & CLI in TYPO3. This was not the end of interesting topics. After a delicious lunch we had an opportunity to listen to Aske Ertmann from the <link http:>TYPO3 Neos Team. Everyone was curious about the secrets of this new CMS from the TYPO3 project. It is a great revolution and we already have great plans and hopes regarding this solution. The last but not least slot during the first day belonged to Sven Ditz. He was amazing as always. Everyone listened literally with open mouths and realized some facts about TYPO3 Community, TYPO3 products and selling these products to the clients. This was very helpful. I have to mention also about some special surprises. Thanks to SourceBroker we could raffle among participants 2 iPods.  <link https:>JetBrains gave us 3 <link https: phpstorm>PHPStorm licences and dkd the amazing <link http:>NanoQuad. So there were a few lucky guys on the conference. When talking about the second TYPO3Camp in Poland I cannot miss mentioning the T-shirts. Thanks to Sitegeist we have these fantastic T-shirts without any sponsor logo's that you can wear all day and all night. Anywhere you go :)


Yeah... For some this part was the greatest. I guess I am not going to write much about it, because it is better to see it for yourself. It was a nice club with an open bar and good music :) It was a great chance to talk to all TYPO3 enthusiasts even while dancing. The rest is on the pictures.

Day 2

Day 2 started with a big cup of coffee. Then there was this inspiring speech from Olivier Dobberkau -  President of TYPO3 Association - about building bridges for ideas, people and passion. We understood that sometimes we need something to overcome problems and that is why we need each other. The next presentations we had were from the main organizers. The first was Tymoteusz Motylewski with his TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS - insights from the backstage. It was very interesting especially because Tymek has just recently became an Active Contributor of TYPO3 Core. He is the first Pole in history with this status. That means a lot for Polish Community. We are growing strong and working hard for the product development. The last presentation was given by Tomasz Grzemski – Macopedia CEO. Tomasz talked about why TYPO3 is good for enterprises giving examples from Raben Group Case Study. It was very constructive to discuss opportunities for expanding the possibilities of TYPO3. After lunch we had very inspiring BarCamp session. We discussed different ideas for Polish Community and new ways to explore. Fortunately, we have all this written down so we will not forget it!


Just to quick recap. We had amazing two days with amazing people. We are happy to see our community grow and evolve. We want this event to be an annual tradition. We think it is crucial to integrate people from our community, engage new ones and share our enthusiasm to open source. These are our main goals for the future. Are you in? Are you with us? We are definitely seeing you next year! Remember about TYPO3Camp in Poland! About the author Agata Pi?niak – office manager in Macopedia. Humanistic touch in IT world.