Fundraising with workpackages for TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS

Categories: Community Created by ben van 't ende
The release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 has moved from the half yearly cycle and shifted it’s final release to March 25 of this year. As this coming release is a Long Term Support (LTS) version a very solid release is essential.
TYPO3 companies <link http:>wmdb Systems and <link http:>Marketing Factory both from Dusseldorf, Germany have created an initiative for fundraising to finance some critical area’s in development. The daily budget is not sufficient to cover these special engagements. On top of that the usual rates paid for development are too low to sustain this effort.

TYPO3 CMS: financial help needed

The necessary expenditure for finishing the tasks to release TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS will be carried by the TYPO3 Association, while the remaining 50% (43.560 euro’s) needs to be raised within the community. The initiative put together 6 workpackages on <link http:>, and you can support these as follows:
  • Sponsor a full workpackage
  • Partly sponsor a workpackage
  • Sponsor TYPO3 CMS
Details and workpackages can be found on the <link http:>website of the initiative.

First support already there

The coordination of the donations will be taken care of by the organisation. One working day per developer is estimated at €330. Upon completion of a task or workpackage developers can charge the TYPO3 Association with a further €330 for a day of work. So with your help a daily rate of €660 is established. At this point in time the initiative already raised 20.850 euro’s. With your your financial support a fully functional and stable release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS will be within reach on March 25. Will you support TYPO3 CMS financially?